One Voice for LaosOne Voice for Laos
Deak Kum Pa Orphanage
November 02, 2011
Flea Market

We'd like to invite you to the first ever One Voice for Laos fleamarket on the 12th and 13th of November from 12pm to 5pm. Start collecting your unwanted clothes, jewelry, small furniture, and various items! The event will be held at the Woodstock outdoor fleamarket if weather permits, if it rains it will be held at the Woodstock Day School (1430 Glasco Turnpike Saugerties, NY 12477 ). The proceeds of the fleamarket will be shared between the 600 orphans in Laos, and the trip expenses 10 local teens 2 week community service at the orphanage.

Keep posted for drop box locations!!
Please contact Sophia Miller for any questions at

Posted by Sophia Miller at November 2, 2011 11:44 AM

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One Voice Global is a humanitarian aide organization, based in Woodstock. Our mission is to help Hudson Valley teenagers develop the kind of mindset, skills, and abilities they need to become compassionate humanitarians, social activists and global citizens. We accomplish our goal by improving the lives of orphans and other children in need through fundraising projects, cultural exchange, and onsite service visits to the organizations we serve.

Our Mission
Intro Slide Show
The Documentary