One Voice for LaosOne Voice for Laos
Deak Kum Pa Orphanage
December 25, 2012
Putting Things Into Perspective. Orphanage Wish List 2012


When I woke up this morning, I dashed into my living room to see what nicely wrapped presents were under the festive fireplace. As I looked around and saw my lined up presents and my smiling parents, I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I was. I thought to myself, " I have the most compassionate and caring parents that a girl could ask for and we're all in good spirits, what more could I want?". Even if I walked into my living room this morning to see no presents it would have been okay. I know that not only do I have parents that love me more than anything, but I live a happy and healthy life and that matters more than anything. Later this evening, the Deak Kum Pa Orphanage wish list was sent to me and it made even more grateful for my life. Unfortunately, Christmas has turned into such a materialistic time of year where kids become mean if they don't get all of the presents they want. This wish list is a great example of why we need to spend more time being grateful during the holidays. When I was a kid, I was asking santa for toys and sleighs, not for food and soap. I think this list is a great reminder about how important our work is. Let's keep working hard and help grant these Orphans' wishes! Happy Holidays to all you amazing people. You inspire me and I know we can keep helping these kids in 2013. We have done great work and there are many more great things to come!


1. Scholarship for more mature students to go to university, $640 per student per year

2. Sponsorship for children to attend an outside English school. $US25 per child per month

3. bicycles for students to go to outside school each $80

4. Long term medical support to pay for hospitalizations and medications 1 month $300

5. Dental clinic for 6 monthly or 1 yearly checkups and treatments 1 month $200

6. towels to assist maturing girls for menstruation 1 month $30

7. soap for showers and wash stations 1 month $110

8. clothes particularly for new students 1 month $100

9. replace mosquito nets per month $80

10. Replace sleeping blankets for children per month $60

11. Replacement shoes for children (thongs) $200 for 3 months

12. Supplement existing meat to increase iron and protein, 1 month $180

13. Extra Fruit to aid vitamin intake 1 month $350

14. fruit juice for children $120 per day

15. Stationery funding and educational materials, 3 months $250.

16. Big Brother Mouse Books for library, 3 months $70

17. computers maintenance and continuous internet connection to improve education standards. 1 month $80

18. New library with shelves, $14,000

19.Support for maintenance program to replace fans, lights etc. $90 per month

20. Water filter station for drinking water $1200.00

Posted by Cassandra Hastie at December 25, 2012 08:38 PM

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One Voice Global is a humanitarian aide organization, based in Woodstock. Our mission is to help Hudson Valley teenagers develop the kind of mindset, skills, and abilities they need to become compassionate humanitarians, social activists and global citizens. We accomplish our goal by improving the lives of orphans and other children in need through fundraising projects, cultural exchange, and onsite service visits to the organizations we serve.

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