The Heart of the Matter
March 21, 2009
Words of Peace TV Taxi

Is this cool or what -- the WORDS OF PEACE TV taxi in London. (I think we should do a promotion with Dominos -- the Words of Peace Pizza. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but maybe YOU know.

Thanks to Dalit Fresco for posting this link on

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at March 21, 2009 02:07 AM


Hello Mitch

We will start a revolution with this ! This is a taxi cab promoting Words of Peace on TV their i believe.

M mentioned this in at least 2 meetings saying he liked this , and did NOT like having his face plastered all over the place. It is about the MESSAGE he said.

We are planning a similar thing in Asheville, on a billboard and also buses.........will keep you posted on this.

Thank you for your very beautiful blog efforts .

Posted by: craig klawuhn [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 22, 2009 08:00 AM

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