The Heart of the Matter
February 12, 2010
SOS from Mexico!

If you are reading this, please help me. I need your help!

For the past eight days, I've been in Mexico, being deprogrammed. My captors are quite clever -- latino ninjas, I believe. They never show their faces. But they are definitely having an effect on me.

Two days ago, I completely lost my desire to log on to Facebook. I can't remember any of my passwords. Or the name of my insurance agent.

What in the world is happening to me?

And it's getting worse. Last night, after being fed some "fresh" guacomole, I found myself looking at the moon instead of my email.

Have you ever heard of such a thing? Is it reversible?

For a couple of days, I thought my shaky state of mind might be due to "something in the water," but then I remembered I've been drinking mostly margaritas and cervesa.

These deprogrammers are extremely accomplished. They stop at nothing. I don't know how they do it.

My ability to comprehend the basics of my life? Rapidly deteriorating. I have no idea how many hits my website got last week. I have no clue how the Knicks are doing. The sun is up. That I know. But the Dow? Beats me.

Please, help me!

Do you know anyone at the U.S. Consulate who can intercede? A website I might check out when no one is looking? Something! Anything! Please!

Wait... shhhh... can you hear it? There... off in the distance... church bells... many church bells ringing... Listen.


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at February 12, 2010 11:50 PM


Follow your heart and your breath
You will make it back home
Sounds like you're on the right road

Full stop is good for you

Set up shop. Woodstock, MX?

Posted by: BobH [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 14, 2010 05:33 PM

"Four and fifty years
I've hung the sky with stars.
Now I leap through -
What shattering!"

Dogen, 1200-53

Posted by: j bhutu-ji [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 15, 2010 04:17 PM

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