The Heart of the Matter
October 08, 2012
Just Down the Road From Woodstock


If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know I'm a big fan of Prem Rawat and his message of peace. I've been his student since 1971 and can say without a shadow of a doubt or any sentences that end with a preposition, that what he's offering is the real deal -- a simple way to connect with the deepest part of who you are. Now, unless "are" has been turned into a preposition while I was out to lunch, everything I've said so far in this blog post is totally true. With great respect for who you are, I invite you to watch a video of him talking about his message of peace.

"But I Already Know This"
What some locals say about his impact


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at October 8, 2012 12:33 AM

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