The Heart of the Matter
January 20, 2015
A Possible Valentine's Day Gift for You


This is just one of 24 slides to be included in a VALENTINE'S DAY slide show that Stuart Hoffman and I are collaborating on -- great quotes on love and Stuart's music. We will be posting the show here for you to forward to your loved ones on Valentine's Day. Our hope is that at least some of the people who enjoy the show will be willing to make a small (or large) donation to our favorite humanitarian organization (TPRF). We want to see if we can raise $50,000 for TPRF using only our love, creativity, and social media.

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at January 20, 2015 05:53 PM

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Welcome to Mitch Ditkoff's blog about what's really important in this life: Peace, gratitude, love, joy, clarity, and the effort required to wake up and smell the roses. Enjoy!

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