The Heart of the Matter
May 24, 2016
Food for People Benefit Party Near Asheville, North Carolina: June 4th

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You are invited to the ninth annual GOLDEN GARDEN PARTY -- a benefit for the Prem Rawat Foundation's Food for People Program -- at the home of Ron and Rachel Clearfield in Leicester, North Carolina.

The June 4th gathering begins at 4:00 pm and will include a sumptuous dinner from the award-winning Mela Indian Restaurant and performances by Richard Shulman, Thea and the Greenman, and others. There will also be a cash bar, jewelry and art sales, and a raffle. $20 suggested donation.

The benefit will be outdoors so wear closed, comfortable walking shoes, bring a folding chair, blanket, and sunscreen. Please carpool,if possible. Click here for more information.

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at May 24, 2016 07:52 AM

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