The Heart of the Matter
January 07, 2022
A Shout Out for Hear Yourself All the Way from Bordeaux

In Bordeaux, France for a presentation of her latest book, Premier Sang, Belgian author, Amelie Nothomb, speaks glowingly of Prem Rawat's new book, Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World.

A prolific author since the publication of her first novel Hygiene and the Assassin in 1992, at the age of 26, Ms. Nothomb has published a book a year. Her novels are among the top in literary sales and have been translated into several languages. She is a Commander of the Order of the Crown and has had the title of Baroness bestowed upon her by King Philippe of Belgium.

NOTE: Ms. Nothcomb is not a student of Prem's -- just someone who encountered his book and was very moved by it.

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Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at January 7, 2022 02:39 PM

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