VIDEO: Make Each Day Count
If you had one month to live, what would you talk about if someone asked to interview you? What message would you leave behind? In this touching 8-minute video, Greta Brenman, who passed away on June 18th, shares her feelings about life and the guidance of her teacher, Maharaji. I hope you get a chance to pause for a few moments and consider Greta's words and the sweet feeling behind her words. None of us know how long we have left here. Let's enjoy each day to the fullest -- one breath at a time.
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at August 4, 2008 09:51 PM
well.. what can I say..definitely has changed the way I feel about today
Posted by: innapeace at August 5, 2008 02:05 AM
Wow........This certainly touched my heart.............So genuine, so true.........God bless your soul, Greta, and Bon Voyage !!!!
Posted by: gret at August 5, 2008 06:49 AM
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