We Are All In This Together
They're dancing in the aisles at the UN! Look at what can happen when inspired and committed people get together to deliver a message of peace and love. (In what ways can you and your friends come together and communicate a powerful message to the world?)
Thanks to Ron Frank for the link to this Amnesty International video.
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at November 16, 2009 04:31 PM
Yet another proof that all people can understand our universal language on this planet ; the language of the HEART....
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL !!! And warm thanks to you, Mitch for your blog !!!
Heartfelt love from Grethe.
Posted by: gret at January 4, 2009 08:40 AM
Fantastic,Very Powerful message!!!
Posted by: Eveline Dannenburg at January 22, 2009 08:45 PM
hi mitch
thanks for re-posting this
in response to your question 'In what ways can you and your friends come together and communicate a powerful message to the world?' i have a way and it's basically the same suggestion you made on the VSH Documentary Community which was based on the trailer for the Wisdom video
i think we could get a worldwide response and do a really cool project - have mentioned it to adrienne
contact me if you're interested please rohn@grandecom.net
Posted by: Rohn Bayes at November 16, 2009 10:42 AM
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