The Party Of The Decade In Ghana
Here is the fourth in a series of West African reports from guest blogger, Louise Roenn.
If you have ever seen videos of Prem Rawat's events in West Africa, you probably can recall moments when the audience enthusiastically waved their handkerchiefs as they danced and cheered upon his arrival.
But yesterday, actually being right there in the middle of this extraordinary West African welcome, was like nothing I have ever seen or felt before.
The joy and excitement coming from the audience was so loud that I wondered whether the roof of the hall would blow off as Prem Rawat made his entrance.
"I am very happy to be back in Ghana," Prem Rawat exclaimed after a minute of handkerchief waving, stamping, and cheering from the audience. "It's been a long time. But now I am here."
It has been nine long years since the Ambassador of Peace last touched down in West Africa -- one more reason why today's event has turned into the party of the decade.
Just before the event started, three tall men wearing huge, ceremonial robes and even bigger gold bracelets and rings were seated in the row right in front of the stage. They were, I later found out, chiefs sent by the King of the Ashanti Empire.
"I had never heard about Prem Rawat prior to this event," explains Chief Nana Adu Mensah Asare. "But we are so impressed by his message and his work. This peace is not just for Ghana, it is for all people of the world."
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at November 26, 2012 10:21 PM
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