The Power of Music, Love, Collaboration, and Community
Happy Holidays and a big thank you for being a reader of Heart of the Matter. I very much appreciate your open-mindedness, open-heartedness, and all around good vibes.
This blog, which began on a wing and a prayer in 2008, has now published 1,778 posts and has been viewed 1,648,125 times. Since I began this labor of love, only 15 posts have been "commercial" -- promotions for various fundraising efforts I felt moved to support: six Go Fund Me campaigns for friends with health challenges, five TPRF fundraising drives, and three of my own (ahem) book launches.
Guess what? Now's the time for fundraising drive #15 -- my heartfelt request for you to consider contributing to the just-launched, super interesting Anthems on the Rise GoFundMe campaign.
Anthems on the Rise is the brainchild of Stuart Hoffman and Jennifer Edwards -- two good friends of mine who have recently written, arranged, produced, and recorded One Lit Candle -- an extraordinary anthem inspired by and dedicated to Greta Thunberg, the 16-year old Swedish climate change activist who has recently been recognized by Time Magazine as the Person of the Year.
Amazingly, just a few days after Stuart and Jennifer's anthem (vocals by the very soulful Stephen Rivera) went public, a Copenhagen-based, environmental organization (WAFA/Water Food Air Awards), posted it on their website to support their newly launched Youth Climate Award category.
That, in itself, would be plenty of holiday cheer for Stuart and Jennifer to imbibe, but just a few weeks later, WAFA invited the One Lit Candle creators to perform the song, with a children's choir, at the 2020 UN Climate Change Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland.
Can I get an amen?
In response to this fantastic opportunity for Stuart and Jennifer, I have just launched a GoFundMe campaign to create the support they will need to meaningfully respond to the adventure before them.
Bottom line, that's what this Heart of the Matter post #1,778 is all about -- my attempt to encourage you and other Heart of the Matter readers to help pave the way for Stuart and Jennifer to work their magic and be able, pro bono, to help WAFA get its very important, planet-saving message out into the world.
Here's the math as I calculate it: Heart of the Matter has 1,321 subscribers. If each subscriber contributed just $19 to the Anthems on the Rise GoFundMe campaign, the fundraising goal would be reached. Simple. It takes a village. Or at least 1,321 people willing to donate $19 each to help make some magic in the world.
If you are at all doubtful about the power of music, check out these quotes from various movers, shakers, and melody makers.
Well, there you have it. My impassioned plea for the Heart of the Matter community to pull together and radically increase the odds of Anthems on the Rise and WAFA taking off.
If you do not feel called to contribute, no worries. You can still lend a helping hand by forwarding this link, along with a personal note, to all your music-loving, planet-loving, and possibility-loving friends.
PS: Prem Rawat is one of WAFA's four patrons.
Photo: Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash
Dear Brilliant StoryTeller, Dear Mitch,
The WAFA Team is honoured and grateful to be collaboration with your friends and brainchild of "Anthems On The Rise", and for you, gracefully and lovingly, announcing our collaboration.
We are going to have even more FUN in 2020!
Sincere and happy regards and happy holidays!
Tina (President) on behalf of The WAFA Team
PS: Stay tuned for the Video for "One Lit Candle" soon to be published.
Posted by: Tina at December 19, 2019 10:54 AM
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