The Relaunch of
If you google the word "peace" you will, in less than a second, be presented with 2 billion ways to learn more about it. I'm sure many of them will take you to great places -- informative, engaging, and inspiring articles and websites that dive deeper into this most important topic.
One of those links will take you to, a newly refreshed and redesigned website that is worth at least a few minutes of your time.
There you will discover a wide variety of videos, podcasts, photos and articles that elaborate on the work and message of the person for whom the website is named -- Prem Rawat -- a man who has dedicated his entire life to helping people connect with a genuine experience of peace within themselves.
Maybe you've heard of him and maybe you haven't. It doesn't matter. If you are interested in self-discovery, joy, love, gratitude, peace and the experience of living fully in the present moment, there's a very good chance you will find his website well worth the visit.
"Be in that beautiful place. Enjoy. Be conscious. Be aware. And take full advantage of the time that you have." - Prem Rawat, Cape Town, South Africa, May 28, 2023
Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World
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