The Curious Results of the Wisdom Circle Storytelling Poll
Curious to know what kinds of stories people find most compelling to share and also listen to, I recently forwarded a 37-item poll to friends, clients, Facebook storytelling groups, and people who have attended one or more of the Wisdom Circles I facilitate. So far, 117 people have chimed in. Here are their responses, on a scale of 1-5.
4.79 -- The appearance of unexpected help
4.75 -- Finding your inner strength
4.72 -- An unforgettable moment with a teacher or mentor
4.72 -- Courage
4.71 -- The most remarkable moment of your life
4.70 -- Forgiveness
4.67 -- Accomplishing the seemingly impossible
4.66 -- Your most creative accomplishment
4.66 -- Gratitude
4.66 -- Overcoming fear
4.66 -- Inner transformation
4.66 -- Taking a risk
4.66 -- Finding your path
4.65 -- The power of intuition
4.63 -- What you've learned from failure
4.62 -- Breakthrough
4.61 -- Perseverance
4.61 -- Going beyond an old belief or assumption
4.61 -- Overcoming a difficult obstacle
4.61 -- Making a big change
4.60 -- An extraordinary encounter with a stranger
4.59 -- Synchronicity
4.59 -- Letting go
4.58 -- Recovery/resilience
4.57 -- Adaptability
4.56 -- Trust/faith
4.54 -- Asking for help
4.51 -- Healing
4.50 -- A cosmic experience
4.49 -- A life changing dream
4.49 -- Going beyond the call of duty
4.49 -- A paranormal experience
4.46 -- Losing everything
4.45 -- Patience
4.43 -- A rite of passage
4.40 -- Your most embarrassing moment
4.40 -- Almost dying
And here are some other themes, not included in the poll, that respondents suggested for future Wisdom Circles.
1. Untold history
2. The power of storytelling
3. The eternal now
4. Sanctity
5. The sacred vs. the profane
6. Our place in the world
7. Finding love
8. Serendipity
9. Handling challenges
10. Finding your voice
11. Knowing when to say goodbye
12. Surrender
13. Being OK with displaying human frailty
14. Ethical behavior
15. A moment that changed your life
If you would like to respond to the poll, click here. Takes 3 minutes.
Here's what other people have said about their Wisdom Circle experience.
Mitch Ditkoff
Storytelling for the Revolution
I'm not sure what category this story fits
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at March 31, 2019 04:22 PM
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