How to Change Your Persona
Do you know why Halloween is such a popular holiday in America? Because people get permission to be somebody else for a night.
Wearing a costume makes it easier for people to think and act differently -- one the simplest ways to change perspective and open up bold, new possibilities.
And so, if you are feeling bound by old perceptions, declare today your own, personal Halloween.
Let go of who you think you are. Try on a different mask. Be someone else for a change.
The more you look at the world through the eyes of another, the easier it will be for you to go beyond "business as usual" and have a creative breakthrough.
In other words, ACT AS IF!
1. Choose a new persona -- anyone who inspires or intrigues you.
2. Imagine you actually ARE this person.
3. Identify their approach to your challenge -- the gist of what he/she would do.
4. Using this gist as a clue, jot down a bunch of new ideas about what you might do differently.
This technique is one of 35 described in Awake at the Wheel.
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at October 29, 2007 09:56 PM
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