Here's to the Crazy Ones!
Find the "crazy ones" in your organization. Start listening to them. Give them room to think and act. They are the future.
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at June 7, 2009 09:02 AM
How true Mitch! Yesterday I opened up Hafiz's book of poems (The Gift) to the one that was really a story about a wealthy prince who wanted the people to decide between two spiritual leaders which one was the most spiritual to receive the gifts. Of course, the story is left for us to decide but the one I chose was the crazy one because in the midst of her outwardly crazy response to life was truth. It's a good reminder for me that all is not what it looks like at first glance. lk
Posted by: Lynn Kindler at June 8, 2009 02:05 PM
That is the best! I tweeted out about it and thank you so much for always posting such absolutely inspiring thinking.
Posted by: nettie hartsock at June 8, 2009 04:40 PM
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