It's National TRUST YOURSELF Week!
This week, oh aspiring innovators, it's time to trust yourself. That's right. Trust. For the moment, forget about the business cases, spread sheets, best practices, data points, decision grids and the overly somber Six Sigmafication of your soul. You already know what to do. You do! You've known for a while. Now all you need to do is do it!
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at April 25, 2011 01:19 AM
Bravo Mitch! Early development teachers say we know right from wrong as early as age 3-5, maybe all the rest is learning to trust our gut. I like John Maxwell's take when he states "everyone is intuitive in their strength." The rest we can develop, but only with the dose of trust that Mitch is recommending. Trust the gut and go for it!
Posted by: David Sollars at April 24, 2011 08:37 PM
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