What's in a Name? Plenty!
When I co-founded my company in 1986, I had two business cards made. One said "President." The other said "Archduke." Whenever I gave clients a choice, they always wanted the Archduke card.
In time, I gave all the Archduke cards away and never re-ordered them -- in a pitiful attempt, I think, to seem more professional.
Fortunately, everything comes full circle. Last night, while enjoying a wonderful concert in my hometown of Woodstock, my next title was suddenly revealed.
Director of Public Elations (and, no, I did not forget the "R".)
In a flash, not only did I get an insight into what my focus will be for the next few years, I also discovered an entirely new field.
Cirque du Soleil is a perfect example.
Gracefully walking the high wire of the Experience Economy, they know their success is intimately connected to their ability to elate the public -- to uplift, inspire, and activate joy.
Southwest Airlines also understands this.
Theirs is a corporate culture founded on delight. Even Starbucks and Barnes & Noble have gotten into the act. Both of them know their product needs to be more than coffee and books, but a feeling -- a sense of well-being, ease, and community.
In a word, elation.
And so, I decided to share my title-changing revelation with my colleagues -- the "Senior Consultant," the "Webmaster," the "Chief Technology Officer," and the "Director of Operations."
I asked them to tell me what new titles they'd like. Here's what they told me:
- Chief Enlightenment Officer
- Princess of Possibility
- Head of Lettuce
- Webmaster of My Domain
- Director of Whatever Needs Directing
- Duke of URL
- Head of Steam
- Lord High Minister of Depth and Feared Wielder of the Reality Check
How about YOU?
What new title do YOU want to see on your next business card? What name more creatively describes what you really do at work?
Idea Champions
Free the Genie
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at August 2, 2011 02:30 AM
What a great piece. I really like it. A hopeful example of the future approach to business and communication, - one with a bit of heart and soul...
LOL_ and there it is- in the name, 'Heart' of Innovation -as you just said
Thanks, Maiia
Posted by: Maiia at April 22, 2010 01:24 PM
I recently changed my title from "Publisher" to "Director of Creative Services". After reading your article, I feel woefully un-creative. I'm willing to take suggestions.
Posted by: Calvin at April 25, 2010 11:02 AM
I have three different business cards, and three titles:
Epiphany Instigator
Idea-Flow Specialist
Photographer of the Invisible
Posted by: Rjacobse at April 26, 2010 03:54 PM
Dear Epiphany Instigator etc.
Fabulous! Now you're talking! This is EXACTLY what the post is about. Good for you! I love all three of your titles (and I'm sure there are other titles just waiting to end up on future business cards.) Keep up the good work/play!
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at April 26, 2010 04:37 PM
Well.. going from "Publisher" to "Director of Creative Services" is a great start. Other possibilities: "Chief Catalyst of Possibilities," "Co-Creator of Everything," "Director of the Write Stuff," "Legend in His Own Mind," "Chief Connector of Dots," "The Bridge from Here to There."
But these are just thought starter: your title has got to come from YOU.
Posted by: Mitch Ditkoff at April 26, 2010 04:42 PM
I like "software maestro"
Posted by: G at April 30, 2010 08:45 PM
Heartist- for my poetry & other creation...
Posted by: nirit at November 23, 2010 10:21 AM
After a bit of thought, I came up with Chief Enjoyment Officer and have also registered a new domain to go with it: enduringjoy.com
For all the activation of joy, we will probably need support enduring it.
Posted by: Oroboros at December 13, 2010 03:13 AM
My official title is actually already pretty cool... Head of Fun! Wrote a blog about it a few weeks back if you fancy delving into my daily life - http://t.co/VTjbzz5
Posted by: YoungLondon at August 8, 2011 07:49 AM
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