On Creating an Innovation Mindset
If you want to spark innovation in your organization and are looking for the diamond cutters stroke, consider storytelling. Since 1987, I've tried everything under the sun to help my clients raise the bar for innovation. What I've discovered is that innovation begins in the mind and that unless people are in the right mindset, innovation will never be more than a pipe dream. Storytelling, I've learned, is the simplest, fastest, most memorable way to get people into an innovation mindset. Here's how we do it. And if you only have 90 minutes, this is how we do it. Its also boosts employee engagement.
I wrote the book
The back story
In our clients words
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at February 15, 2016 11:10 AM
Hi Mitch,
Totally agree. Storytelling is the new catalyst to achieve results which were simply unachievable before. The pioneering ideas you present in your books finally make this possible for the rest of us to do this.
Posted by: Evan Shellshear at February 15, 2016 05:15 AM
Storytelling seems to be a great way to connect with employees and keep them interested in the message presented. Storytelling causes one to almost travel to a different time or place. This goes back to the saying, "Reading is FUNdamental". Storytelling allows all of the senses to become involved in the plan. This works well in the business setting to help the associates feel relevant and involved. Once all of the creative juices are flowing, the employees can better create new ideas for the organization to grow. In, The Truth About Leadership, Kouzes and Posner state, "The truth is that leadership is an affair of the heart. There is no integrity, honor, commitment, conviction, hope, faith, persistence, courage, learning, or risk taking without heart" (Kouzes, J. & Posner, B., The Truth About Leadership, 2010). The fact is that storytelling can bring leaders and employees down to earth in relating the heart and mind to the organization.
Posted by: S. Ray at March 5, 2016 12:42 AM
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