During these economic melt down times of the Coronavirus, all bets are off. "Business as usual" just won't cut it anymore. Businesses and entrepreneurs are quickly changing business models, pricing models, staffing models, while simultaneously trying to figure out how to use ZOOM.
Forward thinking restaurateurs have been at this game for a while, as the above 2017 video makes abundantly clear.
Idea Champions is also experimenting in this realm. For example, instead of offering a two-week free trial of our online Free the Genie tool, we've decided to extend it to a free 10-year trial -- one way we can give back and be of assistance to people in need. Will we ever "profit" from this experiment. I have no idea. For now, it just feels like the right thing to do.
What can YOU or your business do to adapt to these radically changing times? What might you give away for free? How can you simplify your product or service? What might home delivery look like?
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at April 30, 2020 03:06 AM
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