WHY FREE THE GENIE WORKS: Thinking Beyond the Pandemic
1. TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE: No matter how creative you are, having the right person to brainstorm with -- at the right time and in the right way -- can often be the difference between success and failure. Human beings are social animals. We need to express ourselves. We need to be heard. We need connection, feedback, encouragement, fresh perspectives, and new ideas. This is not the time to be a lone wolf. You may be quarantined right now, but you are not in this alone!
2. YOU HAVE SOMETHING WONDERFUL TO CREATE: Yes, it's true! You are onto something. You are being called! You feel it in your bones and have known it for a while. Simply put, you have a gift to share with the world or at least your family and friends -- a service to provide. Now is the time to get it out of you head and into the marketplace! Free the Genie can help facilitate that process. "If not YOU, who? If not NOW, when?"
3. ALL OF US GET STUCK FROM TIME TO TIME: This just in! All people with great ideas eventually run into walls. It comes with the territory of creating something new. But here's the thing: those walls are often no more solid than a thought, assumption or belief. Free the Genie is designed to help you go over, under, around, or through those walls -- and, on a good day, prevent you from building those walls in the first place.
4. EVERY ACTION HAS AN EQUAL AN OPPOSITE REACTION: Welcome to Newton's Third Law of Motion. In layman's terms, "one door closes, another opens." And so it is with the Pandemic. Maybe you are quarantined, locked down, and socially distanced. OK. So be it. But that is just your body. Your mind, imagination, and ability to create are boundless. Free the Genie can help you enter into that state of boundlessness or, at the very least, knock on it's door.
5. IDEAS MAY BE A DIME A DOZEN, BUT A SINGLE IDEA CAN BE PRICELESS: One idea. That's it. That's all it takes. One juicy, yummy, out-of-the-box, brilliant, actionable idea. And that is, precisely, one of the outcomes of a Free the Genie session.
6. IT DOESN'T TAKE A LOT OF TIME: Most stuggling entrepreneurs, artists, writers, career changers, and people in transition, assume they need to invest a lot of time to crack the code. This is not always true. How long does it take to start a fire -- not one to burn your house down, but one to warm you on a chilly night? Sometimes, all you need is a spark. And so it is with Free the Genie. This user-friendly tool has been designed to work it's magic in very little time. Less than an hour. And sometimes,less than 10 minutes. (Time, like your brother-in-law, is relative).
7. IT'S FUN: There's enough density, darkness, and boring Zoom meetings in the world these days. We don't need any more. That's why Free the Genie sessions have been designed to be engaging, inspiring, and fun. Ever wonder why the words AHA and HAHA are almost spelled the same?
8. IT SPARKS CONFIDENCE, INSPIRATION, and FORWARD MOVEMENT: The benefits of a Free the Genie session does not end when your Zoom session ends. It is not a bowl of split pea soup you stick your finger into only to discover 30 seconds later that nothing has changed. Free the Genie is designed to honor Newton's First Law of Motion: "An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion." Movement! We're starting a movement! And that movement is YOU. (In other words, a Free the Genie session gets you off your ifs, ands, or butts).
9. THIS IS ALL ABOUT EMPOWERMENT, NOT CO-DEPENDENCE: The engine of Free the Genie is Free the Genie -- an online, creative thinking tool. Free the Genie is available to you for free. You can subscribe now if you'd like. Or now. We don't charge for it. There is no fine print. We don't sell your email address or our soul. The only way we make money is when someone engages our services to facilitate a Free the Genie session. What we're trying to do is get Free the Genie into as many hands as possible, so people have the support they need to adapt, adjust, and create something new for themselves during these difficult times.
10. FREE THE GENIE IS AN IDEA WHOSE TIME HAS COME: Victor Hugo said it best: "Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come." We agree. Free the Genie has been brewing for the past 15 years -- never quite ready to launch. The pieces of the puzzle were not yet in place. The time was not right. But now, with millions of people out of work, out of luck, and trying to navigate the unknown road ahead, the time is definitely right.
What people are saying about Free the Genie
THE CREATOR OF FREE THE GENIE: Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions, with 33 years experience as an innovation provocateur for forward-thinking organizations. Creator of Free the Genie and Brainstorm Champions. Author of Storytelling for the Revolution. Author of Storytelling at Work. Co-Author of Conducting Genius. Creator of Wisdom Circles. Dust particle. Flake. Humorist.
Testimonials from Idea Champions clients
50 quotes on the power of ideas
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at August 24, 2020 05:38 AM
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