Idea Champions Helps All Kinds of People Originate Great Ideas
Since 1987, Idea Champions has been helping a wide variety of forward thinking organizations tap into their innate creativity and originate breakthrough ideas.
"Through your brainstorm facilitation, we gained more than 100 original ideas of high quality. The best of these will guide AT&T's development for years to come." - Robert Rubin, Product Development, AT&T
"Several of the ideas we came up with in the Idea Champions session are being developed into concrete projects that are looking like very profitable opportunities." - Rudy Villa, VP, GE/RCA Licensing
"As a result of Idea Champions'efforts we have implemented more than 250 value-added Big Idea projects." - Joe Belinsky, Professional Development Manager, Goodyear
"Extremely engaging and enlightening brainstorming sessions." - Karen Lazan, Marketing Director, Pfizer
"Your session definitely helped us generate lots of great ideas to activate our positioning around the world." - Charlotte Oades, Director, Brand Marketing, The Coca Cola Company
"Your techniques and style left our people with a better understanding and working knowledge of the most valuable tool we all possess: the creative mind." - Tom Gowan, VP Communications, Emmis Broadcasting
"Participants continue to leave your course excited about their new implementable ideas and innovations re: new and existing products and services." - Jim Schultz, Managing Director, NYNEX
"Idea Champions' ideation webinar has been invaluable in helping diverse and remote teams around the globe focus on the essentials of great idea generation." - Jon Bidwell, Director of Innovation, Chubb Insurance
"Your High Velocity Brainstorming sessions were wonderful. We achieved all the goals we set out to accomplish and more." - Sue Mongeon, Staff Manager, AT&T
"Idea Champions tone, demeanor, and presentation style allowed us to maximize our brainstorming efforts." - Rich Battista. President, Fox National Cable Networks
"The Idea Champions process not only worked, it exceeded our every expectation" - Melinda McLaughlin, Senior Vice President, A&E Television Networks
"I want to note how impressed we all were with Idea Champions' insight and understanding of our business, as well as the techniques you used to take us through the creative process." - Gabrielle Del Sesto, VP, MTV Networks
"Idea Champions helped us generate powerful new ideas and engage with such energy that, six months later, their impact still hasn't worn off! - Candida G. Brush, Chair: Entrepreneurship Division, Babson College
"Idea Champions brings a creative, energetic and fun approach to idea generation. The tools and techniques they brought to Atlanticare are enabling us to build a true Garden of Innovation." - Terri Schieder, VP, Clinical Development and Integration, Atlanticare
"Idea Champions has the unique quality to combine zany out-of-box thinking with a pragmatic approach that appealed to every participant. Even those who relish the status quo couldn't help but relax, laugh, and lean into their untapped creativity." - Maureen Toshner, Director, Organizational Development & Learning, Charter Manufacturing
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