Entering the Movie Theater of Your Own, Unique Creative Process
The creative process is a most mysterious one -- the inner journey a person takes to transform an impulse, idea, or inspiration into a manifested form that other people can enjoy.
For most of us, the creative process begins with the undeniable recognition that we are being called to express something -- to give shape to the invisible. Usually, the beginning of this process is quite intoxicating. The sky's the limit. Anything is possible. All systems are GO. Whoo hoo!
In time, however, things change. Our muse, once pristine, now has warts and we enter into the phase sometimes referred to as the "messy middles." Where once everything seemed clear, now nothing is. Confusion, distraction, and procrastination rule the day. The light at the end of the tunnel? Now more fluorescent than divine.
This messy middles phenomenon, is not only common, it's predictable, and its been going on for thousands of years. All journeys have obstacles. Every fairy tale has it's Big Bad Wolf. Obstacles are not the problem. The problem is how we relate to the obstacles.
Here's another way to look at this phenomenon: Imagine yourself walking into a movie theater from the bright light of day. It's a movie that's been highly recommended to you and you've driven a long way to get there. You can't wait to take your seat and enjoy the show. But you can't take your seat because you can't see anything.
Your eyes, upon entering the theater, have not yet adjusted to the dim light. From where you're standing, you have no idea if there are any seats at all and, even if there are, you can't see them -- your pupils having just majorly dilated. You can't even see the aisle. But if you are patient a little while longer and... just... stand... there... your pupils will expand and you'll be able to SEE what has always been there.
Where just a few seconds ago nothing was apparent, now everything is. Indeed, sometimes the grand vision we seek is just a matter of our eyes adjusting to the available light.
FOR YOUR REFLECTION: Yes, you have entered the theater of your own creative process. Congratulations! And yes, you have found your way to the theater of creation. Fantastic! But your two eyes, at this moment in time, may not have completely adjusted to the available light. And so, you will need to stand there a little... while... longer... while your vision adapts. You might feel impatient. You might feel helpless. You might even feel like you're missing something -- but there's no way around it.
Of course, there are some theaters with ushers who will be happy to guide you to your seat. Though less and less common, these days, it is always a possibility. If this describes the theater in which YOU now find yourself, hallelujah! WHO might that usher be for you and how can you get their attention? And if there is no usher, what can you do to stand your ground just a little while longer, at the back of theater, while your eyes adjust to the light?
This course will help your eyes adjust to the light
Who is this course for?
What you get when you google "movie theaters"
Photo #1: Jake Hills, Unsplash
Photo #2: Felix Mooneeram, Unsplash
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at April 21, 2021 11:08 AM
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