January 31, 2022
Try to Love the Questions

Stay curious.jpg

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer." -- Rainer Maria Rilke

In times of the unknown, like these days of the Coronavirus, most people want answers. Totally understandable. But, like Rilke notes above, there is great value in loving the questions that precede the answers. Towards that end, here is a list of 20 questions for your reflection. Hopefully, at least one of them will resonate with you and begin working its magic.

1. What is the silver lining, for me, in the Coronavirus cloud?
2. These days, what is there to learn about myself?
3. What is the biggest opportunity before me now?
4. How can I find joy in the simple things of life?
5. What am I feeling moved to do or create?
6. What am I thankful for?
7. What is my responsibility during these challenging times?
8. How can stay in a positive frame of mind?
9. What do I really want?
10. How can I best be of service?
11. How can I go beyond worry, doubt, and impatience?
12. Who do I need to forgive?
13. How can I tap into the source of my courage?
14. How can I better pace myself?
15. How can I reinvent the way I make a living?
16. How can I truly bloom where I'm planted?
17. What is there at this moment that I lack?
18. How can I better listen to the birds?
19. Who can I reach out to today?
20. What can I do, right now, to nurture myself?

Prem Rawat's series of Lockdown talks

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 07:54 PM | Comments (0)

January 11, 2022
The Information Overload Phenomenon


One of the biggest obstacles for aspiring innovators, these days, is information overload -- the all-too-familiar phenomenon of too much input coming our way, 24/7. Unable to process the overwhelming amount of information delivered to us by the nanosecond, we get distracted, fragmented, stressed, and mentally fatigued. But it doesn't have to be that way.

Click here for a newly published article of mine on this phenomenon -- the first in a series of articles like this I will be writing for PremRawat.com in 2022.

If you find value in it, please consider posting it on social media and/or emailing the link to friends and family. Thanks.


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 10:17 AM | Comments (0)

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Idea Champions is a consulting and training company dedicated to awakening and nurturing the spirit of innovation. We help individuals, teams and entire organizations tap into their innate ability to create, develop and implement ideas that make a difference.

Click here for the simplest, most direct way, to learn more about Idea Champions' semi-fearless leader, Mitch Ditkoff. Info on his keynotes, workshops, conferences, and more.
Storytelling for the Revolution
Storytelling for the Revolution is Mitch Ditkoff's newly published book about the power of personal storytelling to elevate the conversation on planet Earth. Provocative. Evocative. And fun. YOU have stories to tell. This book will help you tell them.
Storytelling at Work
"The world is not made of atoms," wrote the poet, Muriel Rukeyser. "It's made of stories." Learn how to discover, honor, and unpack the stories of yours that show up "on the job" in Mitch Ditkoff's award-winning 2015 book, Storytelling at Work.
Top 5 Speaker
Mitch Ditkoff, the Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions, has recently been voted a top 5 speaker in the field of innovation and creativity by Speakers Platform, a leading speaker's bureau.
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Innovation is a team sport. Brilliant ideas go nowhere unless your people are aligned, collaborative, and team-oriented. That doesn't happen automatically, however. It takes intention, clarity, selflessness, and a new way of operating.
Awake at the Wheel, Book about big ideas If you're looking for a powerful way to jump start innovation and get your creative juices flowing, Awake at the Wheel is for you. Written by Mitch Ditkoff, Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions.
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