Idea Champions corporate cretivity
Breakthrough Thinking in the Fast Lane

High Velocity Brainstorming is a deeply engaging, masterfully facilitated creative thinking session that helps intact work teams and ad hoc groups of aspiring innovators generate and develop powerful new ideas.

Most people we know claim they already brainstorm. Perhaps they do. But in our experience, there is often a gap between the concept of brainstorming and the act of brainstorming. Indeed, the word "brainstorming" has been totally abused in our culture. Like the words "post-modern" and "natural," it has lost its meaning. Meeting with a few friends to talk about a business deal? "We're brainstorming." Tossing a few ideas around over cappuccino? "Brainstorming." Kicking around an idea or two for cutting costs? "Brainstorming." Well, not really.

What most people call "brainstorming" is, in fact, often just a veiled attempt to influence others, sell ideas, peddle opinions, or play out a lifelong ambition to dominate a group. "Brainmisting?" Maybe. "Braindrizzling?" Sure. But not brainstorming.  Real brainstorming is very different. Real brainstorming is a meeting of the minds — or more precisely, a meeting in the realm just beyond the mind — a place where brilliance and breakthrough wait to be discovered.

Idea Champion's High Velocity Brainstorming service cuts through the fluff of traditional brainstorming by tuning into three key drivers of successful group ideation:

1. Problem Definition: Long before your session, we'll conduct a simple needs assessment to make sure you have accurately framed the best possible question to address in your session. Towards that end, we will interview you, a cross section of participants, and other key stakeholders. We will also poll participants to ensure we have all the input we need to ensure success.

2. Custom Design: Your team is unique. Your company culture is unique. That's why the design of your brainstorming session should also be unique. Which is exactly what we will do as a prelude to your session. NOTE: In the past 27 years of leading ideation sessions for all kinds of organizations, no two have ever been exactly the same.

3. Session Facilitation: In most organizations, the people who facilitate brainstorm sessions have been "drafted" into duty. They may be smart. They may be creative. They may be knowledgeable about the topic at hand. But they don't necessarily know how to spark brilliance in a disparate group of highly opinionated people with their own unique agendas, mindsets, and assumptions. We do. That's what we've been doing since 1987 and we would be honored to do that for your organization, as well.


Top News & Offerings
Click here for the simplest, most direct way, to learn more about Idea Champions' semi-fearless leader, Mitch Ditkoff. Info on his keynotes, workshops, conferences, and more.
Storytelling for the Revolution
Storytelling for the Revolution is Mitch Ditkoff's newly published book about the power of personal storytelling to elevate the conversation on planet Earth. Provocative. Evocative. And fun. YOU have stories to tell. This book will help you tell them.
Storytelling at Work
"The world is not made of atoms," wrote the poet, Muriel Rukeyser. "It's made of stories." Learn how to discover, honor, and unpack the stories of yours that show up "on the job" in Mitch Ditkoff's award-winning 2015 book, Storytelling at Work.
Top 5 Speaker
Mitch Ditkoff, the Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions, has recently been voted a top 5 speaker in the field of innovation and creativity by Speakers Platform, a leading speaker's bureau.
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Workshops & Trainings
Highly engaging learning experiences that increase each participant's ability to become a creative force for positive change
Brainstorm Facilitation
High impact certification training that teaches committed change agents how to lead groundbreaking ideation sessions
Cultivating Innovation
Your "best and brightest" are the future leaders of your company, but unless they know how to foster a culture of innovation, their impact will be limited. A one-day workshop with us is all they need to begin this journey.
Our Blog Cabin
Our Heart of Innovation blog is a daily destination for movers and shakers everywhere — gleefully produced by our President, Mitch Ditkoff, voted "best innovation blogger in the world" two years running.
Team Innovation
Innovation is a team sport. Brilliant ideas go nowhere unless your people are aligned, collaborative, and team-oriented. That doesn't happen automatically, however. It takes intention, clarity, selflessness, and a new way of operating.
Awake at the Wheel, Book about big ideas If you're looking for a powerful way to jump start innovation and get your creative juices flowing, Awake at the Wheel is for you. Written by Mitch Ditkoff, Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions.
Face the Music Blues Band The world's first interactive business blues band. A great way to help your workforce go beyond complaint.

"In tune with corporate America." — CNN