On Being a Team Leader With Very Little Time
There are three things I've learned about Team Leaders in the past 37 years of working with these organizations.
1. They want their teams to become more high performing
2. The time they have to play their role is limited
3. They have choices about which team building efforts to make
Towards that end (assuming you have three minutes), take a look at the many choices you have to increase the long-term effectiveness and well-being your team. Then pick at least ONE to focus on this week.
-- Listen more deeply to each team member's needs and perspectives
-- Notice when team members are doing something well
-- Give more positive feedback soon after your notice a success
-- Notice "room for improvement" moments, then give feedback
-- Improve your team meetings
-- Begin team meetings by acknowledging forward progress
-- Establish team agreements
-- Help each person understand their roles and responsibilities
-- Clarify your team's work processes
-- Have more casual, one-on-one conversations
-- Secure more support from Senior Leadership
-- Empower team members to solve their own problems
Go beyond the team leader overload syndrome
On being an effective team leader
Communicate your responsibilities to your team
Illustration: gapingvoid
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