What Problem Does "Free the Genie for Teams" Actually Solve?
Some team leaders, when they first hear about Free the Genie, assume it is a "nice to have" service -- intriguing and unique -- but not necessarily essential. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, Free the Genie is an antidote for a wide range of challenges most forward-thinking teams regularly encounter.
1. Difficulty getting to the root causes of problems in order to frame the kind of powerful questions that lead to game-changing ideas, initiatives, and measurable results.
2. Lack of team alignment re: identifying core issues that require the application of collective brainpower.
3. No process in place to unlock and unleash the creativity of team members.
4. Inability to facilitate productive brainstorming sessions that lead to actionable ideas and quantifiable results.
5. Group Think: Conforming to peer pressure and the opinions of the majority.
6. Over-reliance on the Team Leader: ceding individual responsibility by assuming that the highest-ranking member of the team is going to work miracles.
7. Inability to capture, organize, and evaluate the output of team brainstorming sessions.
Introducing Free the Genie
Metaphors Be With You
How Teams Can Successfully Brainstorm Online
Frequently asked questions about Free the Genie
A sampling of testimonials from our corporate clients
CONTACT: genie@ideachampions.com
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