Your Free the Genie Facilitator
Val Vadeboncoeur is a Senior Consultant with Idea Champions, an innovation consulting and training company that has provided innovation and team building services to more than 100 organizations in 11 different countries for the past 34 years.
Since 1990, Val has been designing, co-designing and facilitating a wide variety of creative thinking trainings, workshops and brainstorming sessions for the following Idea Champions' clients: MTV, Nickelodeon, VH-1, General Electric, Lucent Technologies, AT&T, FOX Sports, TV Guide, Navigant, Purple Strategies, Olin Corporation, Champion International, Met Life, Astrazeneca, Blue States Digital, Radio Woodstock and many others.
Additionally, he is the co-author of Conducting Genius, one of the few Brainstorm Facilitation Manuals available on the market today.
A founding member of Karmic Annex, a Denver-based improv comedy troop, and a music, sound, audio, and listening appreciator of the highest degree, Val brings an extraordinary mix of talents to his work as a certified Free the Genie facilitator -- a deep understanding of the creative process, a profound understanding of human psychology, and a natural gift for establishing the kind of learning environments that bring out the very best in people.
One only needs to understand the etymology of his last name to get a sense of where this man is coming from. "Vadeboncoeur" is a French word that translates as "go with a good heart." And he does.
The suitably named Valmore Joseph Vadeboncoeur currently resides in Accord, NY -- home to many trees and wood stoves -- just 97 miles from New York City and 5,779 kilometers from Paris.
Here's what Val's two most recent clients had to say about the impact of their Free the Genie sessions with him:
"I am so grateful for the generous spirit, astute perceptions, clear vision, and authenticity of my Free the Genie facilitator. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me and inspiring me to open up my own." - Joyce Gerber, Health Practitioner
"This is precious. It's a treasure. I never would have thought of these ideas if I hadn't had this help -- not in a million years. I'm going to implement these ideas right away. Everyone could benefit from this. Two thumbs up!" -- Annick Baud, Artist
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