What Problem Does "Free the Genie for Teams" Actually Solve?
Some team leaders, when they first hear about Free the Genie, assume it is a "nice to have" service -- intriguing and unique -- but not necessarily essential. Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality, Free the Genie is an antidote for a wide range of challenges most forward-thinking teams regularly encounter.
1. Difficulty getting to the root causes of problems in order to frame the kind of powerful questions that lead to game-changing ideas, initiatives, and measurable results.
2. Lack of team alignment re: identifying core issues that require the application of collective brainpower.
3. No process in place to unlock and unleash the creativity of team members.
4. Inability to facilitate productive brainstorming sessions that lead to actionable ideas and quantifiable results.
5. Group Think: Conforming to peer pressure and the opinions of the majority.
6. Over-reliance on the Team Leader: ceding individual responsibility by assuming that the highest-ranking member of the team is going to work miracles.
7. Inability to capture, organize, and evaluate the output of team brainstorming sessions.
Introducing Free the Genie
Metaphors Be With You
How Teams Can Successfully Brainstorm Online
Frequently asked questions about Free the Genie
A sampling of testimonials from our corporate clients
CONTACT: genie@ideachampions.com
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:22 AM | Comments (0)
April 13, 2024FREE THE GENIE for TEAMS FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
1. How many online sessions are included in a Free the Genie engagement? Two.
2. How long is each session? 75-90 minutes.
3. How many members of our team can participate? Four.
4. Our team is bigger than four people. Can we still use Free the Genie? Yes, but only four people can participate at one time. Why only four? Because we want to increase the odds of people actively participating in the creative thinking process. When more than four people participate, there is a tendency for some people just to observe.
5. Do the participants have to be an intact team, or part of an intact team, or can any four people in our organization participate? Participants do not need to be an intact team. They can be an ad hoc group from your organization who have been invited to explore a new challenge, goal, or opportunity. The basic criteria for inclusion in a Free the Genie session is people's commitment to the topic being explored and their availability to follow up.
6. What type of work teams are ideal for Free the Genie? Any work team that has a compelling goal, challenge or opportunity and the commitment to explore it in creative ways.
7. If one of our team members cannot participate in the second session, can he/she/they be replaced by another team member?
Yes, as long as the replacement team member has read the Insight & Ideation Report from session #1 and has a clear understanding of what has preceded session #2.
8. Is there a price difference for having two, three, or four participants? No.
9. How much time is there between the first FTG session and the second? Is this flexible? Yes, this is flexible. We recommend a 2-4 week interval between Free the Genie sessions. This provides enough time for your team to process the output from their first session. It also increases focus, motivation, and positive momentum.
10. Do our members have to be in the same room, or can they be in different locations? Participants do not need to be in the same room. They can be anywhere.
11. Can our members participate via their mobile phones?
No. Free the Genie requires a laptop or desktop computer. It is not designed for mobile at this time.
12. What pre-session work will be required by the team members? Each team member will be required to respond to our "Frame Your Real Question?" self-inquiry page prior to the first session. If your Team Leader finds value in our "Culture of Innovation" survey, each team member will also be required to respond to this survey. Total time for pre-work: 15-30 minutes.
13. What kinds of "How can we?" questions suit this process the best? Suitable questions meet the following criteria:
-- Inspires participants
-- Describes a compelling team goal, challenge or opportunity
-- Relates to a project that participants have some control over
-- Represents only one topic, not several
-- Includes a "by when" date
Highly technical challenges that require deep analysis, research and debate are not suitable.
14. Our business is highly technical. Will your app and facilitator be able to handle highly technical problems? We have worked with many companies engaged in highly technical pursuits. That being said, highly technical problems are not suitable for a Free the Genie session.
15. What else is required of our organization before a session?
-- Clarity about the Free the Genie process
-- Sign our Letter of Engagement
-- 50% deposit
-- Select and invite the appropriate people to participate
-- Identify of a Point Person to liaison with Idea Champions
-- Each member of your team responds to our pre-work
16. What will be required from our members or organization between sessions? Read the Insight & Ideation Report (summary of output from session #1).
17. Is there any kind of follow-up? Yes. Follow up includes:
-- Review two Insight & Ideation Reports
-- Two Reality Check Debrief calls (for the Team Leader)
-- Coaching and consultation with your team's Point Person
-- Project champions do their due diligence
18. How many total work hours will we be spending on Free the Genie as an organization if four of our people participate?
The total works hours required for each FTG participant is 3.5 hours (two 90-minute FTG brainstorming sessions and 30 minutes of pre-work). There is additional time requirements for the Team Leader, Point Person, and Project Champion.
19. What can we expect from Free the Genie as an outcome?
-- A variety of compelling insights and ideas for further development
-- Commitment to at least one game-changing idea
-- A comprehensive summary of the output from each FTG session
-- Increased team alignment, commitment, and morale
-- Improvement of your team's culture of innovation
-- An increase in your team's ability to brainstorm successfully
-- Meaningful follow up to the ideas generated in both sessions
-- Clarification of roles and responsibilities re: idea development
-- Team commitment to meaningful follow-up
-- Increased motivation and ability to think out of the box
20. Is there a volume discount on Free the Genie sessions? Maybe. Let's talk.
21. Can we speak to other clients of yours who have done this process? Yes
Introducing Free the Genie
How teams can successfully brainstorm online
Metaphors be with you
What people are saying about Free the Genie
Testimonials from our corporate clients
Fabulous illustrations above: gapingvoid.com
CONTACT: genie@ideachampions.com
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 11:06 AM | Comments (0)
April 09, 2024What's Included in a Free the Genie for Teams Engagement
Free the Genie for Teams is a simple, online, collaborative process that enables teams to unleash their collective genius and generate breakthrough ideas in service to a compelling goal, challenge or opportunity.
The service we provide is the distillation of what we've learned, since 1987, designing and facilitating more 1,500 creative thinking sessions for 130 organizations in 11 countries.
Bottom line, we know how to open the floodgates of creativity. It is not a magic pill, but it does work magic and it does so in a very intentional and organized way.
What follows is a menu of the services and products included in a Free the Genie engagement.
1. Culture of Innovation survey: A chance for each participant to assess its team's culture of innovation -- what enables it and what gets in the way. Yes, your team has the potential to generate all kinds of game-changing ideas and insights, but the origination and execution of this good stuff is inextricably connected to your team's mood, mindset and ways of operating.
2. Identification of the Most Powerful Opportunity to Brainstorm: If you ask members of your team to define the "real issue" that needs to be addressed, you will get a wide variety of responses. Everyone perceives "things" differently.
This is why all Free the Genie engagements begin with team members responding to our online What's the Real Question? page -- a chance for them to pause, reflect and define the challenge they most want to explore together. We then review their input, look for recurring patterns and themes, and present them to you with our recommendation of the best "How can we?" question for your team to brainstorm.
3. Customization of Your Free the Genie session: Based on the results of our Culture of Innovation survey and the final articulation of your team's "How can we?" question, your Free the Genie facilitator will customize your team's brainstorming process accordingly. One size does not fit all. Each Free the Genie engagement is customized to meet the specific needs, mood and mindset of our clients.
4. Two 90-minute online brainstorming sessions: The heart and soul of a Free the Genie engagement is the experience of your team generating and developing bold new ideas and insights. Towards this end, FTG session #1 focuses on fostering a culture of innovation and generating a wide range of powerful new ideas. Session #2 focuses on idea development, feedback, alignment, and evaluation.
5. Two Insight & Ideation Reports: One of the reasons why most brainstorming sessions fail is because the output of those sessions is rarely summarized and evaluated. Lots of spaghetti is thrown against the wall, but the meal is rarely forthcoming. This is why, within 48 hours of each Free the Genie session, we deliver a summary of your team's output -- a report that also includes our own recommendations for how your team can proceed in the most compelling way. Each member of your team will receive this report and be expected to review and evaluate the output.
6. Two Reality Check Debrief calls: A lot happens in a Free the Genie session. Bold new ideas are generated. Exciting possibilities are identified. Varying opinions and perspectives are expressed, which is precisely why we debrief each session with you -- a chance for you to reflect on the experience and further pave the way forward for whatever comes next.
7. Subscription to Free the Genie online: One of the cool things about a Free the Genie session is that participants experience just how powerful our creative thinking prompts and techniques are. They also see how simple it can be to get out the box with the right kind of nudge. Team members who want to continue the creative thinking process will be invited to register, at no charge, for a Free the Genie subscription so they can use our online tool whenever they want.
8. Decks of Free the Genie cards: Within 48 hours after FTG session #2 we mail each participating member of your team a deck of our Free the Genie cards -- 55 creative thinking prompts that open minds and closes the gap between idea and execution.
9. Teamwork Cards: Free the Genie sessions not only open the floodgates of possibility, they also shed light on team dynamics that need to be improved. How to address these issues is often a challenge for teams. Which is why, at your request, we will email each team member a deck of our Teamwork Cards -- a simple way to raise the bar for team collaboration.
10. Access to our Creative Thinking Vault: Since 1987, we have published (online) more than 2,500 articles, tools, techniques, and videos on the creative process. Two years in a row, the Founder of Idea Champions was voted the "Best Innovation Blogger in the World." To increase the odds of your team getting the support it needs to continue innovating, we have selected 100 of our favorite posts and make them available to you. One click will get you there.
11. One-on-one Free the Genie Session: It is very likely that you and/or a few members of your team, inspired by their Free the Genie experience, will want a private session with us -- a chance to dive deeper into a work-related project of their own. Towards that end, we include one individual FTG session for the team member of your choice. No extra charge.
12. A 20% discount on our Free the Genie certification training: Yes, we can train selected members of your team to facilitate Free the Genie sessions. It would be our pleasure. To increase the odds of this happening, we are happy to offer a 20% discount.
More about Free the Genie
How teams can brainstorm online
Metaphors Be With You
What people are saying about Free the Genie
Your Free the Genie facilitators
Mitch Ditkoff
Val Vadeboncoeur
Stevie Ray McHugh
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 10:36 AM | Comments (0)
March 28, 2024FREE THE GENIE Testimonials
Free the Genie is a lightly facilitated online brainstorming session that enables anyone with a need, goal, or aspiration to make a quantum leap of thought and action. Bottom line, it's a GPS for the creative process -- a highly engaging way to close the gap between dream and reality. Ideal for committed individuals and small teams.
A Sampling of Testimonials
"Priceless. A way to dream big, edit your dream, and then do!" -- MaryJane Fahey, Founder, Glorious Broads
"Free the Genie is like a fan blowing fog out of a room so you can see clearly. Highly recommended." - Douglas Robinson, Composer/Musician
"A user-friendly way to think creatively, originate bold ideas, and turn theory into action." -- Mohammed Azim, Head of English Department, Al Siraat College
"An exceptional experience. The atmosphere cultivated was one of collaboration, encouragement, and creativity. By the end of the session, not only had we generated innovative ideas, but we also had a clear roadmap for implementation. Mitch's expertise in unlocking creativity and fostering collaboration played a pivotal role in the success of our session." -- Paul Kwiecinski, Managing Partner, Face the Music
"This is precious. It's a treasure. I never would have thought of these ideas if I hadn't had this help -- not in a million years. I'm going to implement these ideas right away. Everyone could benefit from this. Two thumbs up!" -- Annick Baud, Artist
"Free the Genie puts you in touch with your intuition and gut feel. Provides clarity about what you really want and need." - Prentiss Uchida, Serial Entrepreneur and Business Coach
"I emerged from my Free the Genie session refreshed and refocused on the many possible futures that lay ahead for me." - Doug Stuke, Career Changer and Aspiring Author
"I am a very stubborn person. In the past, I have taken many art classes and knew that when I no longer worked full-time, I would try to devote some time to my art. I tried working with other people to get motivated and inspired, but nothing much really happened. When I heard about the creators of Free the Genie and the way they help people get their projects off the ground, I reached out to them. The experience has helped me tap into my own source of inspiration and motivation and to work once again at my art with a renewed sense of yearning to create something unique that will bring me much joy and satisfaction. Simply put, Free the Genie helped me on a very deep level. Highly recommended."-- Tina Lipson, Mixed Media Artist
"The process revealed all the different colors of my project and then, responsively, yet systematically, synthesized them into a singular beam I could focus on to achieve my desired outcome." -- Chris Mac Vittie, Singer/Songwriter
"Free the Genie anchored my idea to the ground and provided me with a pragmatic pathway and plan to follow." - Sitki Esenyel, Student Support Services, Al Siraat College.
"I was so inspired at the end of my hour Free the Genie session that I committed to restarting my memoir writing project -- one that had been in the closet for years." - Gretel Rogers, Travel Agent and Writer
"Lots of fun, interactive, and surprising." - Barbara Drausel, Artist
"As a result of our Free the Genie session, we have gained great clarity and motivation in setting a vision we are passionate about." - Shanaka Jakakody and Areeba Reusch
"Free the Genie helped me see my situation in a new light. I was empowered from within." -- Ellen Goldberg, Therapist, Author, Mystic
"An enriching experience of connection and deep exchanges." -- Rosa Morelli, Acting Coach, Artist
"I so appreciate you taking the time to assist me in clarifying my issues. Your method is a wonderful tool that will help many people achieve their goals." -- Michael Sudheer, Artist/Photographer
"I am so grateful for the generous spirit, astute perceptions, clear vision, and authenticity of my Free the Genie facilitator. Thanks for sharing your gifts with me, and inspiring me to open my own." - Joyce Gerber, Health Practitioner
"The Free the Genie session I experienced was priceless. That is the word to describe it. Why priceless? Because I have invested a few thousand into the execution of a dream that I have been pursuing for five years. And we have gotten far. But not far enough. My Free the Genie facilitator surpassed the coaches of my past with a simple method -- not an overwhelming method. A way of seeing my dream and seeing the excess of having too many dream plans at once and devising possibilities that can be reached. Dream BIG. EDIT your dream. And then -- do!" -- Maryjane Fahey, Founder, Glorious Broads
"I experienced my first Free the Genie session the week after I was laid off. I entered into the process disoriented and disheartened from my job loss and emerged refreshed and refocused on the many possible futures that lay ahead. The coaching I received and the overall process helped untangle my backward-looking thinking and ignited my passion in opportunities I had not considered as realistic previously. I recommend the process to anyone -- from business professionals to artists -- who really need a reset sparked with hope to transform potential into performance." -- Doug Stuke, Career Changer and Aspiring Author
"Free the Genie is a timely and welcoming tool that provided me with a worthy guide to realize my goals. It proved to be a very real way to reboot my thinking and increase my determination to realize my vision. I have done four Free the Genie sessions, so far, and am now addicted to it. Simply put, it's is a user-friendly way to think creatively, originate bold ideas, and turn theory into action." - Mohammed Azim, Head of English Department, Al Siraat College, Melbourne Australia
"I had two Free the Genie sessions and it gave me clarity of what I really want and need -- right now. It feels right. It feels good. I like it. The process is simple, fun, sometimes confronting, but you are always making the choices of what direction to go from here. No taking notes, no learning new terminology, no memory/retention to pass a test, later. You are getting it as you go. You are feeling it as you go. It puts you in touch with your intuition and your gut feel. The challenge is to really get what you want -- the thing that will take you over the top. Free the Genie! It has taken me out of retirement!" - Prentiss Uchida, Un-retired
"Free the Genie allowed me to grab my vague and formless idea and give it a sense of composure and structure. Prior to the session, my idea was just a cloud in the sky. Free the Genie anchored it to the ground and provided me with a pragmatic pathway and plan to follow." -- Sitki Esenyel, Student Support Services, Al Siraat College, Melbourne, Australia
"Thank you! You have created a creative tool that helps one create. I liken the experience of my Free the Genie session to a prism working in reverse. The process revealed all the different colors of my project and then, responsively, yet systematically, synthesized them into a singular beam I could focus on to achieve my desired outcome. Free the Genie put the ball back in my creative court -- right where it needs to be." -- Chris Mac Vittie, Singer/Songwriter
"Idea Champions provided excellent support to help me create superb ideas for my writing project. I was so inspired at the end of our hour session, that I committed to restarting my memoir writing project -- one that had been in the closet for years." - Gretel Rogers, Travel Agent and Memoir Writer, Miami
"Two weeks ago, I began the Free the Genie process. In my work as a creative advertiser/marketer, I've done lots of brainstorming sessions for clients in my life, but none that had to do with my personal development and trying to pin down what I wanted to do for the next 1-5 years of my life, so this was unique. I can't imagine a more relaxed, yet focused, guide than my Free the Genie facilitator. He took me through some pre-planned drills, but was able to stick with the program even as we veered into some very interesting flights of fancy and dialogue. His good humor made all the difference. He's easy to talk to, and so you find yourself doing exactly that. I don't know if everyone will have the results I've had in a such a short period of time, but even if you get half of the benefit I'm reaping from our sessions, you will be excited. My goal unfolded right before my very eyes and I've wasted no time putting together plans and starting work to achieve it. It was a like a fan blowing fog out of a room so I could see clearly. Highly recommended." - Douglas Robinson, Composer/Musician
"I was quite impressed by what could be done in the one hour of Free the Genie just by you listening to my ideas about what I wanted to do with my art -- without knowing me personally. Your questions were very precise and didn't let me go astray. An important aspect of Free the Genie is that it's lots of fun, interactive, and surprising. After my session, I became a lot more clear about what I wanted to do and have already begun taking the steps to accomplish my goal." -- Barbara Drausal, Artist, Argentina
"Thank you for your tremendous care and gentle guidance with our Free the Geni session. Your facilitation was the perfect balance of engaging, yet allowing personal exploration. We have already gained great clarity and motivation in setting a vision that we are passionate about, and are committed to executing on." - Shanaka Jakakody and Areeba Reusch
"What I got from Free the Genie was my own ideas, elicited from me, and turned back to me, so that they felt both authentically mine, and yet fresh. I saw my situation in a new light. Everything I received came from inside myself. My ideas, niggling at the edge of consciousness, things I knew, but now know in a way that has set me free. I went past an interior hurdle that has been troubling me for over a year. I've taken action because it has lost its power over me. Another way to say this is: I was empowered from within." -- Ellen Goldberg, Therapist, Author, Mystic
"The Free the Genie session was a generous offer of open, focused, and non-judgmental listening. He provided back insights that have widened my perception of the issue, eliciting creative ways to deal with was seemed set in stone. An enriching experience of connection and deep exchanges." -- Rosa Morelli, Acting Coach, Artist
"We all have a powerful flame of life inside us. It takes someone really tuned into their own life-force to not only ignite that spark of creativity in others, but to ignite confidence in it. It is very powerful to be awakened to that force and to tenaciously follow and express it. I am so grateful for the generous spirit, astute perceptions, clear vision, and authenticity of my Free the Genie facilitator. Thanks for sharing your gifts with me, and inspiring me to open my own." - Joyce Gerber, Health Practitioner
7 metaphors to help you understand the value of Free the Genie
More about Free the Genie
The Creator of Free the Genie has consulted with these organizations
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 06:27 AM | Comments (1)
March 15, 2024Your Free the Genie Facilitator
Mitch Ditkoff is the creator of Free the Genie and the Co-Founder of three consulting companies dedicated to unlocking and unleashing brilliance in the world -- Idea Champions, SageCatalysts and FaceTheMusic.
Since 1987, he has worked with more than 130 organizations in 11 different countries to help thousands of aspiring innovators discover how to tap into their innate creativity and transform bold possibilities into bottom line results.
In addition to his corporate consulting work, Mitch is also an accomplished storyteller, keynote speaker, poet, and author of seven books.
Twice-voted "Innovation Blogger of the Year," he is widely acknowledged as a master brainstorm facilitator and innovation provocateur.
Father of Jesse (29) and Mimi (26), former husband of artist and peace activist, Evelyne Pouget, Mitch currently resides in Catskill, NY just three blocks from where Mike Tyson trained to become the heavyweight champion of the world.
At 21, he came within three seconds of drowning. At 27, he saw an angel (really!). About an hour ago he had a cappuccino at his favorite cafe.
A long-time student of peace ambassador Prem Rawat, Mitch is grateful, full of life, and understands how to help forward-thinking people open up the floodgates of their creative potential. Bats left, throws left.
What his corporate clients have to say
Free the Genie testimonials
A very funny Keye and Peele video
CONTACT: genie@ideachampions.com
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 04:28 PM | Comments (0)
March 09, 2024A Unique Offer for Members of "Being a Creator on Planet Earth" and graduates of "The Year of Living Creatively"
If you are a member of Mitch Ditkoff's Being a Creator on Planet Earth Facebook group or a graduate of The Year of Living Creativity and can use a jiggle, jolt or jump start to get your most compelling idea or project off the ground, keep reading.
Mitch and his Idea Champions partners have developed a unique online brainstorming service (Free the Genie) that enables aspiring innovators to not only get out of the lamp, but make significant progress on a passionate project of theirs.
Time required? 60 - 90 minutes.
Our usual fee for a Free the Genie session is $250, but we have decided to offer it to members of "Being a Creator on Planet Earth" and graduates of "The Year of Living Creatively" for jus t$99 -- an offer that is good until March 25.
Why? Because we want to and because we can.
And because time is passing and we want to do everything in our power to help entrepreneurs, artists, writers, musicians, visionaries, mavericks, teachers, peace activists and other "cultural creatives" radically increase their odds of working their magic in the world.
The facilitator of these discounted sessions will be Val Vadeboncoeur, Co-Author of Conducting Genius and a Senior Consultant at Idea Champions since 1990. Our clients.
Intrigued? Simply shoot us an email with "FREE THE GENIE 99" in the subject line and we'll get back to you with next steps.
CONTACT: genie@ideachampions.com
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 07:46 AM | Comments (0)
February 27, 2024FREE THE GENIE: How It Works
Knowing how precious your time is, Idea Champions has designed a simple way to ensure that you get the best possible results from your online Free the Genie brainstorming session.
Having designed and facilitated more than 600 creative thinking sessions for 100+ organizations in 11 countries since 1987, we know what it takes to unlock and unleash collective brilliance.
What makes Free the Genie unique is how quickly it opens the creative floodgates -- sparking insights, ahas, and breakthrough ideas.
Here's the process -- what happens before, during and after a Free the Genie session:
1. Free Discovery Call: This is your chance to "kick the tires," ask your questions, and determine if Free the Genie is a good fit for your needs. If you decide to go for it, we will send you a Letter of Engagement for your signature.
2. Frame Your Most Powerful Question: As Jonas Salk once said, "What people think of as the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question." Towards that end, we will send you a simple "fill in the blanks" exercise so you can clearly define the challenge, opportunity or project you want to explore. Time required? 15-20 minutes.
3. Identify Your Braintrust: Your Free the Genie session can be a one-on-one session with you and your Free the Genie facilitator OR it can include as many as three other people -- teammates, colleagues, friends, family, or clients of yours.
4. Invite Participants: At least one week before your FTG session, your Braintrust will be invited -- so they understand the purpose of the session, why you've invited them, and what (if anything) they need to do to prepare.
5. Experience Your Free the Genie Session: Show time! Simply put, FTG is a highly engaging 60-90 minute creative thinking jam session that sparks brilliance, insights, bold ideas, and positive momentum. (Gluten free, but potentially addictive).
6. Follow Up: Within 24 hours after your FTG session, you will receive the following from Idea Champions:
-- Zoom recording of your Free the Genie session
-- Written summary of the ideas and insights generated
-- Free the Genie card prompts (jpgs)
-- Action Plan template
7. Reality Check Debrief Call: One week after your session (assuming your interest), you will reconvene with your Free the Genie facilitator for 30-45 minutes to assess your forward progress, review your most compelling ideas, clarify your "go-forward" strategy, identify obstacles, and explore engaging ways for you to proceed with clarity, confidence, and renewed commitment.
The Value of Free the Genie
What people are saying about Free the Genie
Idea Champions clients
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 11:29 AM | Comments (0)
February 26, 2024How to Spark Brilliance, Breakthrough and Bold New Possibilities the Easy Way
If you are an entrepreneur, business leader, change agent, writer, artist, musician, team leader, or project manager in need of a breakthrough, Idea Champions' online Free the Genie brainstorming service may be just what you're looking for.
Bottom line, it's an elegant, engaging, time-efficient way to think creatively and radically increase your odds of getting breakthrough results. What follows are seven reasons why the time might be right for you to give it a go.
1. TWO HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE: No matter how creative you are, having the right people to brainstorm with, at the right time and in the right way, can often be the difference between success and failure.
Human beings are social animals. We need to express ourselves. We need to be heard. We need connection, feedback, encouragement, fresh perspectives, and new ideas. This is not the time to be a lone wolf.
2. YOU HAVE SOMETHING WONDERFUL TO CREATE: Yes, it's true! You are onto something. You are being called! You feel it in your bones and have known it for a while. Simply put, you have a gift to share with the world or at least your family and friends -- a service to provide.
Now is the time to get it out of you head and into the marketplace! Free the Genie can help facilitate that process.
3. ALL OF US GET STUCK FROM TIME TO TIME: This just in! All people with compelling projects and great ideas eventually run into walls. It comes with the territory of creating something new.
But here's the thing: those walls are often no more solid than a thought, assumption or belief. Free the Genie is designed to help you go over, under, around, or through those walls -- and, on a good day, prevent you from building those walls in the first place.
4. YOUR UNTAPPED CREATIVITY IS ACCESSIBLE: Every single human being on planet Earth is creative. Everyone. The only problem is, sometimes we are not in touch with just how creative we are.
Know this: Your mind, imagination, and ability to create are boundless.
Free the Genie can help you enter into that state of boundlessness or, at the very least, knock on it's door.
5. IDEAS MAY BE A DIME A DOZEN, BUT A SINGLE IDEA CAN BE PRICELESS: One idea. That's it. That's all it takes. One juicy, yummy, out-of-the-box, brilliant, actionable idea. And that is precisely one of the outcomes you can expect from a Free the Genie session -- a way for you to open the doors of grand possibility.
6. IT DOESN'T TAKE A LOT OF TIME: Most struggling innovators and people in transition assume they need to invest a lot of time to crack the code. This is not always true.
How long does it take to start a fire -- not one to burn your house down, but one to warm you on a chilly night? Sometimes, all you need is a spark. Free the Genie provides that spark.
7. IT'S FUN: There's enough density, darkness, and boring Zoom meetings in the world these days. We don't need any more. That's why Free the Genie sessions have been designed to be engaging, inspiring, and fun.
Ever wonder why the words AHA and HAHA are almost spelled the same?
Stop spinning your wheels, procrastinating and defaulting to the "same old, same old." Now's the time for a breakthrough. Now's the time for Free the Genie.
What people are saying about Free the Genie
Our clients
Idea Champions
CONTACT: genie@ideachampions.com
NEED MORE INFO? genie@ideachampions.com
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 05:38 AM | Comments (0)
January 23, 2024Your Free the Genie Creative Process Coach
Stevie Ray McHugh, Co-Founder of Idea Champions, is a seasoned expert in strategic planning, balanced scorecards, team building, lean manufacturing, and innovation.
By simultaneously focusing on leadership coaching,large-scale collaborative planning, building effective teams, process improvement, and tracking results, he helps companies align and enroll the entire organization in strategic change.
For over 30 years, Stevie Ray has worked with companies of all sizes -- coaching executives, intrapreneurs, small business owners, entrepreneurs, non-profit directors, and change agents to grow to their full leadership potential.
His BizLife Coaching process is designed to help people grow both personally and professionally, leading to increased retention, improved teamwork, better work-life balance, and increased profits.
Through perceptive questioning, deep listening, insightful conversation, and creative brainstorming, he inspires clients to replace fear with the courage to create the most powerful future they dare imagine.
His corporate clients include high-tech, banking, insurance, manufacturing, healthcare, and telecommunications companies, such as AT&T, Met Life, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, Life Care Centers of America, MTV, Olin Chlor-Alkali Corporation, Zurich US Insurance, BJC Hospital Group, Blue-Cross Blue Shield, and many others.
In addition to his corporate work, Stevie Ray also dedicates time to pro bono projects with various non-profit organizations, including humane societies, health organizations, and environmental associations across the United States.
Steven lives in Colorado and loves hiking, river rafting, and playing with his dogs.
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 11:14 AM | Comments (0)
January 20, 2024Your Free the Genie Facilitator
Val Vadeboncoeur is a Senior Consultant with Idea Champions, an innovation consulting and training company that has provided innovation and team building services to more than 100 organizations in 11 different countries for the past 34 years.
Since 1990, Val has been designing, co-designing and facilitating a wide variety of creative thinking trainings, workshops and brainstorming sessions for the following Idea Champions' clients: MTV, Nickelodeon, VH-1, General Electric, Lucent Technologies, AT&T, FOX Sports, TV Guide, Navigant, Purple Strategies, Olin Corporation, Champion International, Met Life, Astrazeneca, Blue States Digital, Radio Woodstock and many others.
Additionally, he is the co-author of Conducting Genius, one of the few Brainstorm Facilitation Manuals available on the market today.
A founding member of Karmic Annex, a Denver-based improv comedy troop, and a music, sound, audio, and listening appreciator of the highest degree, Val brings an extraordinary mix of talents to his work as a certified Free the Genie facilitator -- a deep understanding of the creative process, a profound understanding of human psychology, and a natural gift for establishing the kind of learning environments that bring out the very best in people.
One only needs to understand the etymology of his last name to get a sense of where this man is coming from. "Vadeboncoeur" is a French word that translates as "go with a good heart." And he does.
The suitably named Valmore Joseph Vadeboncoeur currently resides in Accord, NY -- home to many trees and wood stoves -- just 97 miles from New York City and 5,779 kilometers from Paris.
Here's what Val's two most recent clients had to say about the impact of their Free the Genie sessions with him:
"I am so grateful for the generous spirit, astute perceptions, clear vision, and authenticity of my Free the Genie facilitator. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me and inspiring me to open up my own." - Joyce Gerber, Health Practitioner
"This is precious. It's a treasure. I never would have thought of these ideas if I hadn't had this help -- not in a million years. I'm going to implement these ideas right away. Everyone could benefit from this. Two thumbs up!" -- Annick Baud, Artist
About Free the Genie
How Free the Genie works
What people are saying about Free the Genie
CONTACT: Val@ideachampions.com
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 10:17 PM | Comments (0)
December 01, 2021Get the Support You Need to Manifest a Bold, New Possibility
In these odd times, it's easy to get thrown off course. Our regular schedules are very different than they used to be if they can be called "schedules" at all. Our usual human interactions with friends, peers, and co-workers have been dramatically curtailed.
Indeed, these days, the normal interactions we've always counted on to help us work through problems, issues, and opportunities rarely happen by themselves. We must seek them out.
If you have a bold, new possibility you're excited about or an old problem you're tired of dealing with, you will need to make some extra effort to get the kind of support you've always taken for granted.
Enter Free the Genie -- an affordable, expertly facilitated, 60-90-minute online ideation session designed to help you generate the kind of clarity, creativity, and commitment you need to make a quantum leap of thought and action.
And it's simple as 1-2-3.
First, we ensure that you frame the right question via a simple online survey.
Second, we explore the history of your question and why it really matters to you.
And third, we facilitate an engaging creative thinking process, doing everything we can to help you get out of the box and to higher ground, generating new ideas as we go.
It simple. It works. And it's a lot of fun. Plus, (hint, hint) it makes the perfect gift for that special person who "has everything!"
Here's what others are saying about Free the Genie.
Want to find out more? Call Val Vadeboncoeur, Idea Champions' Chief Brainstorming office at 845-377-0222 or sign up for a session on Calendly.
I am a highly-accomplished brainstorm facilitator, creative thinking catalyst, innovation workshop leader, and co-author of Conducting Genius.
Since 1987, I've been helping aspiring innovators in just about every industry on planet Earth get out of the box and generate bold new ideas to get the results they want.
My past clients include General Electric, AT&T, MTV Networks, VH-1, Nickelodeon, Shift Communications, Blue State Digital, Atlanticare, Universal Sports, Catholic Health Initiatives, Astrazeneca, FOX Espanol, Just Marketing, Kraton, Scotia Capital, NBC Universal, Morgan Stanley, Chubb Insurance, ITOCHU, Purple Strategies, Inroads, Radio Woodstock, and many more.
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 04:25 PM | Comments (0)
July 05, 2021The Worlds' First Free the Genie Poem All the Way from Australia
This just in from Mohammed Azim, Director of the English Department at Al Siraat College in Melbourne, Australia. Mohammed is a certified facilitator of Idea Champions' online Free the Genie brainstorming tool and, in recognition of it's value, has just written the following poem.
Mohammed is one of my heroes -- a passionate, creative, committed educator with a great sense of humor and a sparkle in his eye.
The creative ideas that live inside us
Are mostly ungreased
Those bottled-up ideas jumping inside us
Ought to be released
A spark of brilliance is what it takes
A wand of opportunity taps and breaks
A thought to action is what shakes
Free the genie! Free the genie! is the buzz
Come forward and try at least
The catalyst is here and only magic it does
So don't be a procrastination beast
The game is here that truly awakes
So, turn gold -- all of your past mistakes
And use FTG and rid your emotional aches
Go beyond knowledge like some of us
And avoid the pain of what remains unreleased
Stand out from the rest is the voice within us
Leave the comfort zone, I say, last but not the least
Free the Genie testimonials
Idea Champions
Contact: office@ideachampions.com
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:57 AM | Comments (0)
April 29, 2021VAL VADEBONCOEUR: Your Free the Genie Facilitator
Val Vadeboncoeur, Idea Champions' Director of Training, is a highly accomplished brainstorm facilitator, creative thinking catalyst, innovation workshop leader, and co-author of Conducting Genius.
Since 1987, Val has been helping organizations in just about every industry on planet Earth get out of the box and generate bold new ideas to grow their business. Additionally, he's helped a wide range of forward-thinking companies establish innovation practices and protocols in order to tap the collective brainpower of their employees.
Now, in response to the disruptions caused by Covid-19, Val is focusing his innovation-sparking efforts on individuals, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and people-in-transition.
Response to this new service has been overwhelmingly positive.
If YOU have a project, opportunity, or venture that could use a major infusion of creativity, clarity, and collaboration, Val is available to facilitate a Free the Genie session for you -- either one-on-one or with a small group of your peers.
Utilizing Idea Champions' highly acclaimed Free the Genie tool and building on more than 30 years of brainstorm facilitation experience, Val will provide you with the kind of committed support you need to make a quantum leap of thought and action.
Click here to identify the project you'd like to brainstorm with Val.
Click here to schedule an appointment with Val.
-- VAL'S CLIENTS: General Electric, GE Capital, AT&T, MTV Networks, VH-1, Nickelodeon, Kraton, Inroads, Shift Communications, Navigant Consulting, Roland Berger, Blue State Digital, Purple Strategies, Just Marketing, Atlanticare, Universal Sports, Catholic Health Initiatives, Astrazeneca, FOX Espanol, ITOCHU, Merck, MBooth, Olin, Scotia Capital, Depository Trust, NBC Universal, Project Management Institute, Allied Signal, ARC, Morgan Stanley, Chubb Insurance, The Chicago Board of Trade, The Woodstock Film Festival, Radio Woodstock, and many more.
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 06:29 PM | Comments (0)