Get the Support You Need to Manifest a Bold, New Possibility
In these odd times, it's easy to get thrown off course. Our regular schedules are very different than they used to be if they can be called "schedules" at all. Our usual human interactions with friends, peers, and co-workers have been dramatically curtailed.
Indeed, these days, the normal interactions we've always counted on to help us work through problems, issues, and opportunities rarely happen by themselves. We must seek them out.
If you have a bold, new possibility you're excited about or an old problem you're tired of dealing with, you will need to make some extra effort to get the kind of support you've always taken for granted.
Enter Free the Genie -- an affordable, expertly facilitated, 60-90-minute online ideation session designed to help you generate the kind of clarity, creativity, and commitment you need to make a quantum leap of thought and action.
And it's simple as 1-2-3.
First, we ensure that you frame the right question via a simple online survey.
Second, we explore the history of your question and why it really matters to you.
And third, we facilitate an engaging creative thinking process, doing everything we can to help you get out of the box and to higher ground, generating new ideas as we go.
It simple. It works. And it's a lot of fun. Plus, (hint, hint) it makes the perfect gift for that special person who "has everything!"
Here's what others are saying about Free the Genie.
Want to find out more? Call Val Vadeboncoeur, Idea Champions' Chief Brainstorming office at 845-377-0222 or sign up for a session on Calendly.
I am a highly-accomplished brainstorm facilitator, creative thinking catalyst, innovation workshop leader, and co-author of Conducting Genius.
Since 1987, I've been helping aspiring innovators in just about every industry on planet Earth get out of the box and generate bold new ideas to get the results they want.
My past clients include General Electric, AT&T, MTV Networks, VH-1, Nickelodeon, Shift Communications, Blue State Digital, Atlanticare, Universal Sports, Catholic Health Initiatives, Astrazeneca, FOX Espanol, Just Marketing, Kraton, Scotia Capital, NBC Universal, Morgan Stanley, Chubb Insurance, ITOCHU, Purple Strategies, Inroads, Radio Woodstock, and many more.
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