The Year of Living Creatively is a highly engaging, eight-week online course that helps aspiring innovators transform their inspired visions and ideas into new products, new services, new forms of expression, new businesses, and breakthrough ways of living.
Previous graduates describe the course in a variety of colorful ways:
-- A GPS for the creative process
-- An incubation chamber for bold, new possibilities
-- A chiropractic adjustment for creative mojo
-- A midwife for the miraculous
-- An all-you-can eat buffet of brilliance
If you are on fire with an exciting new possibility and want the kind of support that will help you turn theory into practice, this course is for you.
HOW IT WORKS: Dominoes delivers pizza. FedEx delivers packages. The Year of Living Creatively delivers provocative catalysts, community, and clarity to keep you on top of your game. The service includes six basic elements and three optional ones.
1. SELF-INQUIRY PRACTICE: Three times a week, you will receive, in your inbox, links to online self-inquiry pages (like this one) to help you navigate your way through your sometimes challenging creative process. You choose at least one that calls to you (though you can do all three if you have the time and interest). If you're stuck, the page will help get you unstuck. If you're already unstuck, the page will spark a quantum leap of insight and action. And you will get an emailed response from the course facilitator, each week, helping you take an even deeper dive. Each page takes 15-45 minutes.
2. ZOOM CALLS: Twice a month, you will be invited to participate in a 90-minute ZOOM session -- a virtual campfire around which all Year of Living Creatively participants gather. This is an opportunity to share your progress, receive valuable tips, brainstorm, learn, and enjoy support from other members of the YOLC community.
3. CREATIVE PROJECT PARTNERSHIPS: Each Year of Living Creatively participant will be paired with two other participants -- an opportunity for the three of you to exchange fresh perspectives, ideas, resources, encouragement, feedback, and be accountable to each other. Three heads are definitely better than one -- especially during these socially isolated days of the Coronavirus.
4. PRIVATE COACHING: Each course participant will receive one 60-minute coaching session from the course creator and facilitator. Additional coaching sessions are available for a fee (see below for more info).
5. PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP: All participants are invited to join the Year of Living Creatively FB group -- a simple way to stay in touch with other participants, get inspired, ask for support, and keep your creative fires burning.
6. CREATIVITY-IN-ACTION STORIES: Part of what makes The Year of Living Creatively so effective is the way in which it keeps participants moving forward -- helping them stay conscious, inspired, and committed to their creative process. One engaging way we do this is our 5-minute Creativity-in-Action audio stories that spark insight, meaning, and informed action.
1. APPLIED CREATIVITY: A PDF download of a 200-page guidebook for aspiring innovators. A treasure trove of articles, tips, tools, and techniques to help you increase your odds of getting out of the box, staying out of the box, and enjoying the process of manifesting your heart's desire.
2. BREAKTHROUGH BUDDY: While the creative process requires a healthy dose of solitude, it also requires a healthy dose of support from others -- but not just any others -- people you trust, have chemistry with, and know how to fan the flames of your creative mojo. Which is why The Year of Living Creatively will be enrolling (with your permission) the person of your choice (living within ten miles of your home) to serve as your very own Breakthrough Buddy -- someone who is committed to supporting you, in fun ways, for the duration of the course. HOW we get this person up-to-speed to play their catalytic role is our little secret. Suffice it to say, we will provide them with everything they need to help you on your way.
3. MORE COACHING: Above and beyond the one private coaching session included in the course, additional coaching sessions are are also available. $150/hr.
QUESTIONS? Email Mitch (
Who is the course really for?
What is the real value of The Year of Living Creatively?
The Manifesto
More about the creator of the Year of Living Creatively
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