November 30, 2019
Are You an Idea Addict?

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There are lots of things in this world people get addicted to: alcohol, nicotine, heroin, sex, and iPhones, just to name a few. But perhaps the biggest addiction of them all is the addiction to our own ideas. Here's how it works:

We think something up. We feel a buzz. We tweak it, we name it, we pitch it, and POOF, the addiction begins.

At first, like most habits, it's a casual pursuit with a thousand positive side effects: increased energy, renewed focus, and a general feeling of well-being. Like wow, man. But then... we think about it in the shower. We think about it in the car. We think about it when people are asking us to think about other things. We even dream about it.

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Soon we want everyone to know about it. We want them to feel the buzz. We want them to nod in agreement. We want them to recognize just how pure our fixation is.

If this is where it ended, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. I wouldn't be calling it an addiction. Maybe I'd be calling it an "inspiration," or a "commitment" or a "visitation from the Muse." But it doesn't end there. It goes on and on and on and on -- often to our own detriment.

If you are launching a new, creative venture, of course, you want to conjure up cool ideas. That's a good thing. But if you cling to ideas just because they're yours, or just because you've invested major time and energy into in them, then it's time to take a good look of what "intoxicating ideas" of yours it might be time to let go. Commitment is one thing. Addiction is quite another.

What hot, new idea of yours might you be just a little bit too addicted to?

Idea Champions
Brainstorm Champions

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 08:20 PM | Comments (2)

November 23, 2019


Dominos delivers pizzas (547 million per year). FedEX delivers packages (3 billion per year). And Anthems on the Rise delivers custom songs (one, so far, this year).

One? Just one? Yes. But what a one it is -- One Lit Candle (Song for Greta) -- now featured on WAFA's (Water, Food, Air Awards) website in the Youth Climate Awards category.

Hoffman and Edwards' compelling anthem (with gorgeous vocals by Stephen Rivera) has found, in WAFA, the perfect partner to get its message out to the world. Indeed, both WAFA and Anthems on the Rise are kindred spirits, committed, as they are, to shining a bright light on the very best of what it means to be a conscious, caring, creative human being.

WAFA makes it possible for the environment's silent heroes to have a voice and Anthems on the Rise helps make that voice come alive.

If you are inclined to help WAFA accomplish its ambitious planet-saving goals, click here. If your organization would benefit from having its own inspired anthem, click here.

And if you don't feel like clicking on either of the above links, click here for some memorable quotes on possibility -- something which WAFA and Anthems on the Rise, thank God, are both wide open to.

We want to create WOW.jpg


Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 11:48 PM | Comments (0)

November 22, 2019
Why You Need to Ask Why


Some years ago, there was a big problem at one of America's most treasured monuments -- the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC. Simply put, birds, in huge numbers, were pooping all over it, which made visiting the place a very unpleasant experience. Attempts to remedy the situation caused even bigger problems, since the harsh cleaning detergents being used were damaging the memorial.

Fortunately, some of the National Parks managers assigned to the case began asking WHY -- as in "Why was the Jefferson Memorial so much more of a target for birds than any of the other memorials?"

A little bit of investigation revealed the following:

The birds were attracted to the Jefferson Memorial because of the abundance of spiders -- a gourmet treat for birds.

The spiders were attracted to the Memorial because of the abundance of midges (insects) that were nesting there.


And the midges were attracted to the Memorial because of the light.

Midges, it turns out, like to procreate in places were the light is just so -- and because the lights were turned on, at the Jefferson Memorial, one hour before dark, it created the kind of mood lighting that midges went crazy for.

So there you have it: The midges were attracted to the light. The spiders were attracted to the midges. The birds were attracted to the spiders. And the National Parks workers, though not necessarily attracted to the bird poop, were attracted to getting paid -- so they spent a lot of their time (and taxpayer money) cleaning the Memorial.

How did the situation resolve? Very simply. After reviewing the curious chain of events that led up to the problem, the decision was made to wait until dark before turning the lights on at the Jefferson Memorial. That one-hour delay was enough to ruin the mood lighting for the midges, who then decided to have midge sex somewhere else.

No midges, no spiders. No spiders, no birds. No birds, no poop. No poop, no need to clean the Jefferson Memorial so often. Case closed.

Now, consider what "solutions" might have been forthcoming if those curious National Parks managers did not stop and ask WHY:

1. Hire more workers to clean the Memorial
2. Ask existing workers to work overtime
3. Experiment with different kinds of cleaning materials
4. Put bird poison all around the memorial
5. Hire hunters to shoot the birds
6. Encase the entire Jefferson Memorial in Plexiglas
7. Move the Memorial to another part of Washington
8. Close the site to the general public

Technically speaking, each of the above "solutions" was a possible approach -- but at great cost, inconvenience, and with questionable results. They were, shall we say, not exactly elegant solutions.

Now, think about YOUR business... YOUR company... YOUR life. What problems are you facing that could be approached differently simply by asking WHY.... and then WHY again... and then WHY again.. until you get to the core of the issue? If you don't, you may just end up solving the wrong problem.


1. Name a problem you're having
2. Ask WHY it's happening
3. Get an answer
4. Then WHY about that
5. Get an answer
6. Then ask WHY about that -- and so on, five times

Our new, half-day, WHAT'S THE PROBLEM workshop
Idea Champions

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:41 PM | Comments (2)

November 18, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Online, Just-In-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching


In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities with you
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

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Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 01:23 PM | Comments (0)

November 15, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching


In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:25 PM | Comments (0)

The Right Use of LCS

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Of all the techniques Idea Champions has invented and taught since 1987, there is one that continues to be acknowledged as numero uno -- LCS (Likes, Concerns and Suggestions).

LCS is a simple, effective, memorable, easy-to-use technique that has the power to build rapport, spark meaningful feedback, defuse negativity, spark creativity, and increase collaboration. But with one caveat: it needs to be used in the right way, at the right time, with the right people.


And while LCS has been known to work magic with many of our clients -- some of whom have used it for many years -- it is not a magic pill. Like any tool, technique, or method, it requires practice and a particular kind of sensitivity.

What I've noticed over the years as the co-creator of the method and a teacher of it, is that it's not uncommon for some LCS fans to misuse it. Not knowingly, of course. Unknowingly. Not unlike some tourists who find themselves giving directions to even newer tourists without enough experience or knowledge of the city they're just getting to know to skillfully direct others to their destination.

And so, if YOU have recently learned LCS in one of Idea Champions' trainings or workshops and are looking forward to using it on the job, please consider the following guidelines before doing so with your team, client, spouse, or the frowning State Trooper who just pulled you over to the side of the road:

1. PRACTICE IT IN LOW RISK SITUATIONS: Like any new skill or tool, LCS requires practice. While it is simple to use, it is not necessarily simple to use well. This requires practice. And the best way to do that, to build your confidence and fluidity, is to practice it in low risk situations -- with friends, people you trust, and others you are comfortable with. (Kind of like breaking in a new pair of shoes or jeans.)

2. USE IT SELECTIVELY: Even though LCS works in most situations, it doesn't necessarily work in all situations. For example, if the people you want to use LCS with have a lot of emotional charge about the topic at hand it is likely too soon to be taking them through the LCS process. Perhaps, first, they need to clear the air... or get the full back story from you... or ask a lot of their questions. Requiring them to go through an LCS process too early in the game may leave them feeling like you have put them into some kind of Procrustean bed and that there is not enough room for them to really stretch out.

3. INTRODUCE THE TECHNIQUE, BEFORE USING IT: You may see the value of LCS (because you saw it demonstrated in one of our workshops or had a chance to practice it with a workshop partner), but the people on your team who were NOT in the workshop have no context for it. If you just "spring it on them," it is likely they will feel a kind of "I-wasn't-at-the-same-workshop-you-were-at whiplash" and they will probably shut down or give you the evil eye.

The fix is a simple one. Before using LCS with a group, set the context. Explain that you are about to facilitate a feedback process you've seen work very well. Then explain how LCS works and that you are inviting them to participate it it.

4. LCS IS DESIGNED TO OPEN UP CONVERSATIONS, NOT SHUT THEM DOWN: One thing most people love about LCS is that it gives people an easy-to-follow process to give and receive feedback on a new idea, possibility, initiative, or organizational change. That's the good news. The not-so-good-news is that LCS can easily be used to put artificial constraints on a dialogue that needs more space and time than a quickie LCS session will allow.

5. ASK PEOPLE TO LCS LCS: In the spirit of continuous improvement, consider asking people you take through an LCS process to LCS LCS. In other words, give them a chance, at the end of their LCS experience, to use the technique to give YOU feedback about it. Begin by asking them what they like about it. Then ask them what their concerns are about it and, for each of their concerns, what suggestions they have for resolving their concern. This will not only help you refine your LCS facilitation skills, it will also provide an opportunity for LCS users to practice the technique. Win/Win.

Two things to keep in mind as you proceed:
First of all, if you are using LCS in response to a potentially difficult conversation or meeting, be sure to allow enough time for participants to speak their peace. And secondly, if you know ahead of time that the topic on the table is likely to evoke a lot of disagreement, emotion, complaint, or angst, reconsider whether or not LCS is the tool to use -- at least in the beginning of your team meeting.

In those situations, it may be advisable, for you to provide a bigger back story on the topic at hand and/or open up the floor to everyone's questions. Metaphorically speaking, this is like opening up the valve on a steam-heat radiator so it doesn't clank so loud... or hiss uncontrollably because of the backlog of pressure.

Once the pressure has been relieved and people are feeling more informed and relaxed, LCS will have a much better chance of being effective and everyone enjoying the experience (which, by the way, is one of the goals of the whole thing -- that a diverse group of highly opinionated people find higher ground in service to a collaborative venture.

Feedback illustration: gapingvoid
Idea Champions
Our clients
What they say

Good Idea stamp2.jpg

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 03:42 PM | Comments (0)

IDEATION 2020: Online Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching


In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

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Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 12:47 AM | Comments (0)

November 14, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching


In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:31 PM | Comments (0)

November 13, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching


In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:35 PM | Comments (0)

November 10, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching


In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:41 PM | Comments (0)

November 09, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching

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In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:44 PM | Comments (0)

November 07, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Training


In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:49 PM | Comments (0)

November 06, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching

daniel kalick - Fuzz.jpeg

In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 02:59 PM | Comments (0)

November 04, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching

Danielle Kantor - The Hub Project.jpeg

In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 03:04 PM | Comments (0)

IDEATION 2020: Just-In-Time Online Brainstorm FacilitationCoaching


In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 12:53 PM | Comments (0)

November 03, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching

Hannah Volfson - Capital One.jpeg

In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 03:09 PM | Comments (0)

November 01, 2019
IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Training


In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 03:18 PM | Comments (0)

IDEATION 2020: Just-in-Time Brainstorm Facilitation Coaching

Sarah Twombly.jpeg

In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.

We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.

Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:

-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP


1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement

Butterly thinker2.jpg


Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.

Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 03:15 PM | Comments (0)

Who Are We?

Idea Champions is a consulting and training company dedicated to awakening and nurturing the spirit of innovation. We help individuals, teams and entire organizations tap into their innate ability to create, develop and implement ideas that make a difference.
Click here for the simplest, most direct way, to learn more about Idea Champions' semi-fearless leader, Mitch Ditkoff. Info on his keynotes, workshops, conferences, and more.
Storytelling for the Revolution
Storytelling for the Revolution is Mitch Ditkoff's newly published book about the power of personal storytelling to elevate the conversation on planet Earth. Provocative. Evocative. And fun. YOU have stories to tell. This book will help you tell them.
Storytelling at Work
"The world is not made of atoms," wrote the poet, Muriel Rukeyser. "It's made of stories." Learn how to discover, honor, and unpack the stories of yours that show up "on the job" in Mitch Ditkoff's award-winning 2015 book, Storytelling at Work.
Top 5 Speaker
Mitch Ditkoff, the Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions, has recently been voted a top 5 speaker in the field of innovation and creativity by Speakers Platform, a leading speaker's bureau.
Authorized Reseller Logo –
Workshops & Trainings
Highly engaging learning experiences that increase each participant's ability to become a creative force for positive change
Brainstorm Facilitation
High impact certification training that teaches committed change agents how to lead groundbreaking ideation sessions
Cultivating Innovation
Your "best and brightest" are the future leaders of your company, but unless they know how to foster a culture of innovation, their impact will be limited. A one-day workshop with us is all they need to begin this journey.
Our Blog Cabin
Our Heart of Innovation blog is a daily destination for movers and shakers everywhere — gleefully produced by our President, Mitch Ditkoff, voted "best innovation blogger in the world" two years running.
Team Innovation
Innovation is a team sport. Brilliant ideas go nowhere unless your people are aligned, collaborative, and team-oriented. That doesn't happen automatically, however. It takes intention, clarity, selflessness, and a new way of operating.
Awake at the Wheel, Book about big ideas If you're looking for a powerful way to jump start innovation and get your creative juices flowing, Awake at the Wheel is for you. Written by Mitch Ditkoff, Co-Founder and President of Idea Champions.
Face the Music Blues Band The world's first interactive business blues band. A great way to help your workforce go beyond complaint.

"In tune with corporate America." — CNN