Have a Very Mitchie Christmas!
If you are looking for easy-to-buy, inspiring, heart-warming holiday gifts to buy your loved ones, you are in the right place -- books written by Mitch Ditkoff. All of them are all available on Amazon. If you buy them today, they should arrive in time for you to wrap them and give to people to open on Christmas morning.
Unspoken Word: $4.33
Storytelling for the Revolution: $16.36
Storytelling at Work: $15.12
Full Moon at Sunrise: $5.47
Awake at the Wheel: $13.95
Here's to a joyful holiday season to everyone! May this be a time of giving and receiving, gratitude, relaxation, renewal, celebration, health and happiness. Count your blessings, then lose count. And know that all of the powers of love are with you every step of the way. Breathe deep and open the gift that you are.
Idea Champions
PHOTO: Kraken Images
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