SPEED TO KNOWLEDGE: The Curious Roots of Micro-Learning
Being the first to come up with a good idea does not always make the path to success easy. In fact, often, it's quite the opposite.
For example, the idea of micro-learning may be all the rage these days, but it wasn't always that way. In fact, the company that created the first micro learning programs, AthenaOnline, was kicked out of quite a few offices for even proposing the idea.
The idea of micro-learning -- bite-sized bits of knowledge that are easy to digest and understand -- has been around for ages. It encompasses everything from viewing a short video to reading an article to taking a short quiz. Micro-learning, however, was never a form of enterprise learning until the visionaries at AthenaOnline released its MyQuickCoach application in 1999.
Prior to that, in 1994, Athena had released a number of award-winning, computer-based training programs called The New Leader Series -- an idea inspired by popular game Myst, that created a "learning village" allowing users to explore what they wanted to learn at their own pace. Players would meet experts in various areas of the village and, depending on what they accomplished in the game, new areas to explore would open up. It was one of the first examples of gamification to hit the field of organizational learning.
As loved as these programs were, however, Jon Peters, AthenaOnline's Founder, soon noticed a surprising phenomenon. "As we began to repurpose the programs for the internet," said Jon, "we saw a huge number of people dropping out. Upon interviewing our customers, we discovered that people much preferred to approach learning in small chunks -- trying to fit what they could into their busy day."
Seeing a trend forming, Jon and his team made the move to create the QuickCoach concept -- short, video-based modules that people could absorb in 5 minutes or less.
Launching their first programs, in 1999, was no easy task. Remember, this was years before YouTube. Most companies were just beginning to think about moving their internal classes to computer-based learning. Indeed, Athena was told by a number of self-claimed OD savants that "video would never take off on the internet" and that "nobody could possibly learn anything in only five minutes."
It took years for Athena's ideas to take hold, but they kept at it.
As a new generation of managers entered the workplace -- a generation used to YouTube and bite-sized interactions of all kinds -- Athena's ideas began to take hold. (And Idea Champions, for one, is glad they did.)
"Sometimes," explains Jon Peters, "you just have to believe in yourself and your vision, even when nobody else does. What I learned, and am still learning, is that while seeking input from others is always good thing, it's not the only compass of success. Sometimes you just need to believe yourself and persevere."
PS: If you want to know the impact that AthenaOnline's micro-learning has had in organizations, click here to download an article about the University of Iowa where elearning usage increased by a whopping 800%.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: What "ahead of its time" project of yours, going more slowly than you imagined, do you need to double down on? And what is your next step
Free weekly micro-lessons from AthenaOnline
Yours truly on MyQuickCoach
Illustration: www.gapingvoid.com
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 08:12 AM | Comments (0)
April 26, 2020Why Team Leaders at Al Siraat College Want to Be Team Leaders
Thirty four very dedicated teachers, staff members, and senior leaders from Al Siraat College in Epping, Australia are participating in a long-term Team Leadership Development training. What follows are some of their comments about WHY they have chosen to take on this very demanding role.
"I love responsibility, challenge, mentoring, and making things happen. I feel that being a team leader allows me to add value to others and importantly make valuable changes to my workplace to challenge myself and add value as a professional. Specifically, at Al Siraat, I want to improve student culture and make it the school of choice for all Muslim students. I want students, when they leave, to have had amazing memories of their time here." - Fatema Faoual
"I enjoy assisting people in achieving their potential. This includes teachers and students. I like to inspire a love of knowledge and learning. I encourage and support the development of growing people both ethically and intellectually. I also want to encourage my own growth as a person." - Wayne Semmens
"I want to be a team leader to help our school become an extraordinary learning place for students to enjoy their 13 years here and beyond -- and to be healthy and active for a lifetime." - Daniel Saleh
"I want to make a difference. I have learned so much from making mistakes. I want to be able to share and apply my knowledge, skills, and at times, my wisdom." - Esra Boz
"To start off, I didn't want to be a team leader, but thanks to Ms. Rahat, who saw the quality in me that I have the personality and commitment to be a Quran team leader. And I am loving it." - Maryam Omer
"I thrive in an environment that allows me to challenge myself to reach my own potential." - Aseel Tebeileh
"I want to make a difference in the college. I want to be remembered as the person that created a fantastic secondary team at ASC --thereby creating a great secondary school that will be the envy of other schools." - Vis Naidu
"I want to increase the skills I have gained as a teacher to the next level and provide opportunities to engage with my colleagues and benefit from them, as well." - Gulcan Ayvaz
"I believe that I will have more opportunity to make a difference -- to change and improve the members of my team and pass on my learneng and experience." - Shahzad Syed
"I have passion for my topic! I want the best for my family, students, and colleagues. I want to make a difference." - Adel Ayoubi
"I want to make a bigger contribution to the school, to serve other teachers in the school, and to help improve the standards of the school." - Syed Fareed Bin Abdul Manaf
"At first, I never thought I could be a team leader. I thought you had to be efficient in your work. Spotless! Flawless! Then my mentor gave me a chance to be a team leader and guess what? I love it! I learned how to manage a group of people to make a difference. I learned to help people enhance their strengths, and I think I Iearn something everyday." - Misbah K. Aqeel
"I want to be able to fulfill the trust that has been given to me to develop inspired individuals of learning and character." - Fazeel Arain
"I want to impact the work of others that will have a positive impact on our children, and ultimately, to gain the pleasure of our Creator." - Rahat Arain
"I like to mentor individuals within my team, as I believe that we are all constantly learning and can learn so much from each other. I like responsibility, work well under pressure, and I like to know what's going on. I also like to feel as though I am making a difference." - Leah Hamel
"I want to be a voice and servant to my team, while being a teacher in the classroom. I want to help my team with their concerns and get them ironed out, managed, solved efficiently, and addressed comfortably. I want to make and create my department into one people I can look up to rather than look down." - Asim Malik
"I'd like to, in a small way, contribute to the growth of Al Siraat". - Sitki Esenyel
"I want to be a team leader to have a great impact on students learning and ultimately become of good service to God Almighty." - Suffian Amin
"I have been teaching science for the last 25 years and have had a good experience in science curriculum and other disciplines. I would like to share my knowledge and experience with Al Siraat teachers." - Naga Thayakrishna
"I want to promote positive leadership skills and ideas to ASC staff and students. I want to share learned skills with students. I want to mentor and coach students to be be able to perform better at life skills and explore the hidden talents and skills they possess. I also want to develop trust and training skills that I can use with students." - Noori Ahmed
"I've been in the school since it first stated and have experienced a huge growth -- personally, as a professional educator, and as a person. I want to be part of a leadership team to offer my skills and expertise that will make a difference and impact our students and others." - Shahidah Osman
"I want to be a team leader at Al Siraat because I am glued to a vision of developing students who are able to fulfill their purpose in life. I want to be a team leader because it is the only school that seems to be ripe to do a lot for our school community. Above all, I was brought here for a reason by the Founders and want to live up to their expectations." - Mohammed Azim
"Education has always been important to me, as I come from a family of less-educated people. Imparting knowledge to people who may have grown up in similar, poor circumstances has also been important to me. I want to use my knowledge and abilities as well as my passion for learning, to impact change on a larger scale." - Terrance Cobb
"I am goal driven and have a natural desire to help and support others. Even if I am not a team leader, I end up doing that role anyway -- so to be given a little more time to do it would be wonderful." - Cheryl Becker
"Everyone brings unique qualities. As a leader, I can share, refine, and learn amongst others. I like to inspire and motivate people to accept and learn from change. I like to move and challenge the people around me to move forward and I like to assist in making things better for all." - Colin McDowell
"I didn't want to be a team leader. I was selected to be a team leader. I am learning and trying to be a good leader. It has been a difficult journey. Why am I sticking to it is because Ms. Summer and Ms. Evla and other leadership members are supporting, coaching, and guiding me. Plus, Ms. Summer didn't accept my verbal resignation. Also, being a part of Mitch's Team Leadership Training has given me the courage and skills to try to be a better team leader." - Elif Boz
"There are two types of people/professionals in a school -- teachers and people who help teachers. As a leader, it's important to me not just to be of service, but to enable my colleagues to learn continually through reflective practice and dialogue and capacity building. I love the relational experience and opportunities I have as a team leader. I believe there is a strong alignment with my faith values that leadership involves, such as benevolence and stewardship and compassion." - Evla Han
"I want to bring innovations to my team and ideas and ease in business, so my team can work on its own and work in conjunction with other teams. I want to respect other teams and be respected." - Maqsood Ahmad
"I want to try to make life easier for teachers and administrative staff with respect to mundane activities so that they can focus on objectives. I hope to assist with the above, regardless of my position." - Bilal Deniz
"I want to contribute to the vision and success goals of the school." - Sev Bektash
"I've always loved helping others. As a team leader, I am grateful to be presented with many more opportunities to do what I love; help others." - Amina Zeneli
"I want to be a team leader so I can learn and implement steps in my team to make them happier and help them perform better." - Salman Khan
Idea Champions
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:31 AM | Comments (0)
What follows is a poem written by Mohammed Azim, the Head of the English Department at Al Siraat College in Epping, Australia.
Mohammed is one of 34 teachers and staff members participating in the Team Leadership Training that I am currently facilitating at the school. Mohammed, as you will note below, is getting a lot of value from the course.
PS: I was hesitant to publish Mohammed's poem because I didn't feel comfortable calling attention to myself -- but just 30 minutes ago, the illustrious Mr. Azim challenged my limiting assumption and requested I publish it, explaining that it might increase the odds of other Islamic schools, in the area, inquiring about the training.
A little spark from Mitch
and the leaders at Al Siraat were kindled,
ignited by the growth leadership itch
and a mission was born and singled.
With the leadership pitch
and ready we were, as magic sprinkled.
Developing self was the switch
and the path to improvement was signaled,
that deck of cards and the twitch
and worthwhile it was; as discussions jingled.
Talk about those story-telling stitch
and wow, the spectacular effect it trickled,
the juggling balls acted as tow hitch
and in session became metaphor that hinted
those leadership tips to bewitch
and those accompanying notes that truly tickled.
The training diet has made me rich
and lessons learned ...in my life has riffled.
Certainly, we all need experiences that enrich
and not forgetting, a 'Mitch' who is so gifted!
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 10:22 PM | Comments (0)
April 12, 2020CORONAVIRUS WAKE UP CALL! Now's the Time to Reinvent Yourself
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."-- Charles Darwin
And so, dear people scrambling to adapt to the havoc wreaked by the Coronavirus... Idea Champions (my company) is also adapting. Since none of our clients want us anywhere within breathing distance of them, we are transforming the best of what we do into online services.
Below are brief descriptions of the first four of these services. One of them is free and the other three are discounted by 40%, knowing, as we do, how financially strapped most of our clients are these days.
And, at the end of this post, there are ten provocative questions you may want to noodle on if you are also looking to change what YOU do.
1. BUSINESS RE-INVENTION COACHING: One or more online sessions with Idea Champions' Co-Founder and President, Mitch Ditkoff. Just like physicians, these days, are now increasingly delivering their services via tele-medicine, Mitch is now offering tele-innovation services -- more specifically, online coaching, a way to help his clients clear their heads, open their minds, and discover new ways to adapt to these radically changing times. His credentials? Thirty years of sparking-innovation in a wide variety of forward thinking organizations from just about every industry on planet Earth.
2. MICRO-LEARNING FOR INNOVATORS: During the past 30 years, Idea Champions has written and spoken a lot about innovation, creative thinking, brainstorming, collaboration, and storytelling. We've distilled the best of it down to an online treasure trove of innovation-sparking goodies.Our Micro-Learning for Innovators service gives you access to 52 of our videos, articles, tools, and techniques. The service also includes a 60-minute phone coaching session.
3. FREE THE GENIE: Our online brainstorming tool designed to help you go beyond the "same old, same old" and originate bold, new ideas and possibilities. Pre-Covid-19, we used to sell subscriptions to this product, but now we are giving it away. This is not a marketing ploy. It is not a clever way to get email addresses. There is no fine print. It is simply our attempt to pitch in during difficult times. (PS: Where else have you seen a 10-year free trial?)
4. THE TWO-HOUR BRAINSTORM FACILITATION TRAINING: Eternal optimists that we are, Idea Champions is assuming that Covid-19 will end before hell freezes over. And, when it does, we want our clients to be more prepared than ever to facilitate on-site brainstorming sessions. PS: It's not only toilet paper that is in short-supply these days, so are breakthrough ideas for entering into new realms of possibility.
An example of a company that just reinvented what they do
ILLUSTRATION: gapingvoid.com
How Idea Champions began
1. What is the silver lining in the Coronavirus cloud for me?
2. What have I always wanted to do, but now's the time?
3. How can I offer my services or products online?
4. What are my instincts telling me?
5. Who can I partner with to make some magic?
6. What does the world need now that I can provide?
7. If I knew I couldn't fail, what would I do?
8. If my fairy godmother granted me one wish, what would it be?
9. How can I combine two of my passions to create something new?
10. What is my next step and when will I take it?
Need more insights or ideas? Ask our online genie.
Idea Champions
Mitch Ditkoff
What you get when you google "reinvention"
CONTACT: info@ideachampions.com
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 12:45 AM | Comments (1)
April 09, 2020TRAINING TESTIMONIALS: Al Siraat College Team Leaders
What follows are testimonials from teachers and staff at Al Siraat College, an Austrialian K-12 school in the Islamic tradition, who recently participated in Idea Champions' Team Leadership Training -- a series of seven 90-minute modules delivered onsite over the course of a month. Al Siraat engaged our services to help 23 of their team leaders learn how to raise the bar for teamwork, collaboration, and communication.
"I found the training to be highly relevant to what I do and the success of the organisation. After all, it is people, working on effective teams, that will move us forward." - Fazeel Arain, Principal
"The training was an experience that will live long in my memory. I will constantly use these skills in the challenges I encounter as a coach, trainer, head of department and, above all, as a teacher." - Mohammed Azim, Head of English
"The leadership training was a great opportunity to reflect on the processes, procedures, and relationships within my team and allowed me to develop my skills and knowledge to drive and motivate my team to achieve our shared vision." - Fatema Faoual, Secondary Years Team Leader
"The Team Leadership Training was the best professional development I have ever experienced. I found many aspects of it very useful for my own personal growth and for my growth as a team leader." - Wayne Semmens, Head of Maths
"I found the training extremely beneficial. It provided me with a different perspective of looking at my leadership skills." - Suffian Mohammed Amin, Head of Art & Technology
"I felt like I was given the required tools to be able to fulfill my duties and be well-equipped with moving my team forward, as well as pushing them to excel more and more." - Asim Malik, Head of Islamic Studies
"Thank you so much for everything you have done for Al Siraat. We are very lucky to have you, at our school, facilitating the leadership training." - Daniel Saleh, Head of Health & Physical Education
"Mitch was very inspiring, well-prepared, and flexible throughout the sessions. He adjusted the speed and content on-the-go, based on the need of our group." - Shahzad Syed, Director Support Services
"The training gave me confidence and a lot to learn about my self before leading my team. I'm sure that, with the ongoing support I will get, I can uplift my team to higher and higher levels." - Maryam Omer, Head of Quran
"The Team Leadership Training provided me with a much-needed pause to not only reflect on my current leadership skills, but also learn important strategies to get better. Well worth the investment of time." - Rahat Arain, Director Student Learning & Achievement
"It was a wonderful experience taking part in the Leadership Training -- a great learning environment for me." - Shukran Chohan, Maintenance Team Leader
"The Team Leadership Training was vital. It highlighted the importance of re-defining a team's role and extending appreciation, rather than the do more approach." - Maqsood Ahmad, Accounts & Finance Team Leader
"The training equipped me with ways to improve meetings and communication with my team. I began thinking outside of current practices and looking for ways to be more streamlined and efficient." - Vis Naidu, Head of Secondary School
"Attending the Team Leadership training gave me an opportunity to reflect on my own leadership style and skills. It encouraged me to think about not only my strengths as a leader, but explore areas where I need more support." - Cheryl Becker, Year 4 Team Leader
"As a result of the training. I gained more confidence in my leadership role." - Naga Thayalakrishna, Head of Science
"The training gave us a very practical approach to deal with any group of people we belong to and how we can maintain a collaborative approach in achieving our personal and team goals." - Salman Khan, Project and Site Manager
"I found the training to be highly relevant to what I do and the success of the organisation. After all, it is people in effective teams that will move us forward." - Fazeel Arain, Co-Founder and Principal
"I found this training to be highly participatory and inclusive. The facilitation was outstanding with plenty of time to reflect and ponder upon our own practices. I am inspired to rethink the way I plan, coordinate, and present my work. It is an experience that will live long in my memory. I will constantly use these skills in the challenges I encounter as a coach, trainer, head of department and above all, as a teacher. Doing this intensive training with our awesome facilitator, made me realise that we need to look at our internal world in order to change our external outcomes. I highly recommend this training for any one in leadership role and even those aspiring to be leaders." - Mohammed Azim
"The leadership training was a great opportunity to reflect on the processes, procedures, and relationships within my team and allowed me to develop my skills and knowledge to drive and motivate my team to achieve our shared vision. The sessions allowed me to really reflect on what my team wants to achieve, including our goals and mission and how we will get there. This is a great addition to any leaders skill set!" - Fatema Faoul
"The Team Leadership Training was the best professional development I have ever done. I found many aspects of it very useful in both my personal growth and as a team leader. In particular, the following: 1) The Receive/Reframe/Request approach to problem solving; 2) Ten ways to become a better listener; 3) The LCS feedback technique; 4) Mitch attending a faculty meeting and facilitating an LCS session on my own improvement as a Head of Learning; 5) One-on-one coaching sessions with Mitch." - Wayne Semmens
"I found the training extremely beneficial. It provided me with a different perspective of looking at my leadership skills. The importance of re-framing problems and asking a HOW CAN WE? question is very powerful. I thoroughly benefited from Mitch's guidance and expertise, especially when it comes to providing feedback to my team members. The small group size is a must-keep for the next round of training as it allows participants to share in a very non-threatening environment." - Suffian Mohammed Amin
"At first, I was a bit hesitant when I saw all of the modules that were going to be covered, and how overwhelming it seemed. I went into the training not knowing what to expect. Each session became more meaningful and relevant than the previous one, and a lot of my concerns and barriers were broken down and were made less of a problem for me. Coming out of the leadership training, I felt like I was given the required tools to be able to fulfill my duties and be well-equipped with moving my team forward, as well as pushing them to excel, more and more. It gave me the skills to be able to efficiently lead my team, be disciplined, as well as reflect on myself and be able to systematically run things and progress in my department. I highly recommend this training for anyone who is either wanting to build a foundation for leadership, refresh their skills, or learn something new. I can guarantee there are things that will be put into perspective and allow you to be able to structure and organise your way of doing things in a way that suits you and are comfortable with. I'm a person that finds it hard to pay attention when things are boring, but this training was hard for me to divert my attention away from. I know Mitch has a lot more to offer as this was a condensed training, so I'm looking forward to being apart of the next level of his training modules." - Asim Malik
"Thank you so much for everything you have done for Al Siratt. We are so lucky to have you at our school facilitating the eadership training. I especially liked the way you engaged us, set the team agreements, and gave us opportunities to apply what we learned." - Daniel Saleh
"Mitch was very inspiring, well-prepared, and flexible throughout the sessions. He adjusted the speed and content on-the-go, based on the need of our group. I learned by practicing and applying my learnings on my team. The biggest win for me was to work closely, engage, and build relationship with other team leaders who I may not have come across in my usual day-to-day." - Shahzed Syed
"I loved everything that was taught in this significant time. The training gave me confidence and a lot to learn about my self I'm sure that, with the ongoing support I will get, that I can uplift my team to more higher and higher levels. All the materials were on-the-spot and easy to understand and implement." - Maryam Omer
"The team leadership training provided me with a much needed pause to not only reflect on my current leadership skills, but also learn important strategies to get better. Mitch, through his usual engaging style, invited our group to commit to simple changes that had high impact value. I really enjoyed his style of hosting the training as I was then able to apply it immediately to my own meetings with good effect. Well worth the investment in time." - Rahat Arain
"It was a wonderful experience being part in Leadership Training -- a great learning environment for me. We learned many new ideas which we can adopt to our daily working habits to obtain many positive results. It's always a great outcome when many brilliant minds get together to achieve good for their origination." - Shukran Chohan
"The Team Leadership Training was vital. It highlighted the importance of re-defining a team's role and extending appreciation rather than the do more approach." - Maqsood Ahmad
"The Team Leadership Training enabled me, to pause, reflect and review my current methods and approaches. It equipped me with ideas and ways of improving meetings and communication with my team. I began thinking outside of current practices and started looking for ways to be more streamlined and efficient in meetings with my team." - Vis Naidu
"Attending the Team Leadership course gave me an opportunity to reflect on my own leadership style and skills. It encouraged me to think about not only my strengths as a leader, but explore areas I need advice and support in as well. Mitch taught us all strategies to use to help lead our teams to their best potential. I am really keen to implement LCS as soon as I can. I am certain it will help me develop not only my own skills, but make my team feel better supported as well." - Cheryl Becker
"As a result of the training, I gained more confidence in my leadership role, such as: 1) How to help my team collaborate and work together; 2) If any problems arise, how to resolve those problems; 3) How to make a quick decision in an urgent situation; 4) How to handle people with different personalities." - Naga Thayalakrishna
"The training enabled us not only look at how we relate to our colleagues, but how we treat others, out of work. It gave us a very practical approach to deal with any group of people we belong to and how we can maintain a collaborative approach in achieving our personal and team goals." - Salman Khan
Idea Champions
Team Leadership Training facilitator
Go beyond the team leader overload syndrome
A clue for team leaders
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:55 PM | Comments (0)
April 07, 2020GOOD NEWS! Idea Champions Waiving All Fees for Free the Genie
Those of us here at Idea Champions don't know anyone who hasn't been affected by the Coronavirus calamity. Many of our clients are in trouble. Friends are out of work. Families are stressed. And yes, people we know are sick.
In response to this global calamity, I have found myself asking, like a lot of people, "How can I help? How can I be of service?" Though I have no face masks to give, no ventilators, and no miracle cures, I do have an online, creative thinking tool that can help people generate bold new ideas to help them navigate their way forward, i.e. ideas to grow their business... ideas to start a new business... or simply ideas to more skillfully adapt to these very stressful times.
And I am giving it away for free.
All you need is a compelling question that begins with the words "How can I?" or "How can we?", some curiosity, and 15 - 30 minutes to dive in.
PLEASE NOTE: Free the Genie is not a magic pill, but it can work magic -- that is, IF you have an open mind and a genuine need to go beyond the status quo.
So there you have it -- our best shot at helping you give it your best shot. Click here for your free subscription to Free the Genie. (PS: We will never sell, rent, trade or give your email address to anyone, anytime, anywhere. The effort we are making is not a marketing ploy. We are sincerely wanting to be of service to people in need during these very challenging times.)
If online creative thinking tools are not your thing, maybe one of the following articles will be the spark you need to work your magic in the world.
Einstein's approach to problem solving
50 awesome quotes on possibility
Listen to your subsconscious mind
25 ways to free up your creativity
How to attract a breakthrough idea
20 quotes on beginning
101 CreativiTeas for Innovators
The awesome power of immersion
100 quotes on what it takes to innovate
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 02:36 AM | Comments (0)
April 05, 2020CHANGE IN THE TIME OF CORONAVIRUS: Freeze or Flow?
This just in from The Sydney Morning Herald -- a timely story of a company, in Australia, that completely changed their business in just ten days.
Stagekings used to make massive pop-up stages for Miley Cyrus concerts and other big productions. But with the outbreak of Coronavirus and all public gatherings cancelled, they lost 95% of their business. Down? Yes. But not out. Ten days later they transformed themselves into a company that makes stand-up desks and other "isolation furniture". Read about it here.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: What can you do to change the way you do business these days? How can your product or service adapt to the needs of the time?
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change." -- Charles Darwin
Big thanks to Fazeel Arain, Co-Founder of Al Siraat College for the heads up. (PS: Most schools on the planet are also shifting what they do and how they do it. Now's the time, folks. Flex! Adapt! Reinvent!
Idea Champions
Illustration: gapingvoid
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 06:09 AM | Comments (0)
April 01, 2020Why Train People to Become Masterful Brainstorm Facilitators
Our brainstorm website
Brainstorm facilitation training
What our clients say
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:39 PM | Comments (0)