CORONAVIRUS WAKE UP CALL! Now's the Time to Reinvent Yourself
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."-- Charles Darwin
And so, dear people scrambling to adapt to the havoc wreaked by the Coronavirus... Idea Champions (my company) is also adapting. Since none of our clients want us anywhere within breathing distance of them, we are transforming the best of what we do into online services.
Below are brief descriptions of the first four of these services. One of them is free and the other three are discounted by 40%, knowing, as we do, how financially strapped most of our clients are these days.
And, at the end of this post, there are ten provocative questions you may want to noodle on if you are also looking to change what YOU do.
1. BUSINESS RE-INVENTION COACHING: One or more online sessions with Idea Champions' Co-Founder and President, Mitch Ditkoff. Just like physicians, these days, are now increasingly delivering their services via tele-medicine, Mitch is now offering tele-innovation services -- more specifically, online coaching, a way to help his clients clear their heads, open their minds, and discover new ways to adapt to these radically changing times. His credentials? Thirty years of sparking-innovation in a wide variety of forward thinking organizations from just about every industry on planet Earth.
2. MICRO-LEARNING FOR INNOVATORS: During the past 30 years, Idea Champions has written and spoken a lot about innovation, creative thinking, brainstorming, collaboration, and storytelling. We've distilled the best of it down to an online treasure trove of innovation-sparking goodies.Our Micro-Learning for Innovators service gives you access to 52 of our videos, articles, tools, and techniques. The service also includes a 60-minute phone coaching session.
3. FREE THE GENIE: Our online brainstorming tool designed to help you go beyond the "same old, same old" and originate bold, new ideas and possibilities. Pre-Covid-19, we used to sell subscriptions to this product, but now we are giving it away. This is not a marketing ploy. It is not a clever way to get email addresses. There is no fine print. It is simply our attempt to pitch in during difficult times. (PS: Where else have you seen a 10-year free trial?)
4. THE TWO-HOUR BRAINSTORM FACILITATION TRAINING: Eternal optimists that we are, Idea Champions is assuming that Covid-19 will end before hell freezes over. And, when it does, we want our clients to be more prepared than ever to facilitate on-site brainstorming sessions. PS: It's not only toilet paper that is in short-supply these days, so are breakthrough ideas for entering into new realms of possibility.
An example of a company that just reinvented what they do
How Idea Champions began
1. What is the silver lining in the Coronavirus cloud for me?
2. What have I always wanted to do, but now's the time?
3. How can I offer my services or products online?
4. What are my instincts telling me?
5. Who can I partner with to make some magic?
6. What does the world need now that I can provide?
7. If I knew I couldn't fail, what would I do?
8. If my fairy godmother granted me one wish, what would it be?
9. How can I combine two of my passions to create something new?
10. What is my next step and when will I take it?
Need more insights or ideas? Ask our online genie.
Idea Champions
Mitch Ditkoff
What you get when you google "reinvention"
Brilliant Mitch. Just what everyone needs. This is an explosively creative time for those of us still really fortunate enough to be well enough to enjoy it.
Posted by: pcatpurrs at April 12, 2020 05:10 AM
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