What follows is a poem written by Mohammed Azim, the Head of the English Department at Al Siraat College in Epping, Australia.
Mohammed is one of 34 teachers and staff members participating in the Team Leadership Training that I am currently facilitating at the school. Mohammed, as you will note below, is getting a lot of value from the course.
PS: I was hesitant to publish Mohammed's poem because I didn't feel comfortable calling attention to myself -- but just 30 minutes ago, the illustrious Mr. Azim challenged my limiting assumption and requested I publish it, explaining that it might increase the odds of other Islamic schools, in the area, inquiring about the training.
A little spark from Mitch
and the leaders at Al Siraat were kindled,
ignited by the growth leadership itch
and a mission was born and singled.
With the leadership pitch
and ready we were, as magic sprinkled.
Developing self was the switch
and the path to improvement was signaled,
that deck of cards and the twitch
and worthwhile it was; as discussions jingled.
Talk about those story-telling stitch
and wow, the spectacular effect it trickled,
the juggling balls acted as tow hitch
and in session became metaphor that hinted
those leadership tips to bewitch
and those accompanying notes that truly tickled.
The training diet has made me rich
and lessons learned ...in my life has riffled.
Certainly, we all need experiences that enrich
and not forgetting, a 'Mitch' who is so gifted!
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