IDEATION 2020: Just-In-Time Online Brainstorm FacilitationCoaching
In honor of the year 2020 and the classic meme it represents (i.e. clear vision), Idea Champions is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting new offering -- an elegant way for its time-crunched, Conducting Genius graduates to upgrade the quality and impact of their brainstorming sessions.
We call it Ideation 2020 -- the simplest, most time-efficient way we can think of to help our clients get the kind of results they want from their in-house, ideation sessions.
Simply put, we're offering live, online brainstorm facilitation coaching sessions in 20, 40, and 60 minute increments to help you:
-- Prepare for upcoming, high profile ideation sessions
-- Design brainstorm sessions that get results
-- Catalyze big, bold, breakthrough ideas
-- Learn and practice new creative thinking techniques
-- Sharpen your group facilitation skills
-- Better understand the fine art of emergent design
-- Quickly gain the confidence of difficult groups
-- Fully engage even the most curmudgeonly participants
-- Stay energized, focused, and on the leading edge of brilliance
-- Email your questions to us and get our responses ASAP
1. We schedule a conversation to explore the possibilities
2. You decide on what topics you want our coaching support
3. We agree on a date for your first coaching session
4. You sign and return our Letter of Agreement
Idea Champions is one of the world's premiere facilitators and trainers of organizational brainstorming sessions. Ideas generated in our sessions have resulted in millions of dollars of revenue and cost savings for our clients. And we've worked with just about every industry on planet earth: high tech, insurance, transportation, education, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, chemical, construction, retail, health care, entertainment, public relations, marketing, consulting, and financial services.
Our story
Our clients
Client testimonials
More client testimonials
What PR firms say about our impact
A few case studies
Our 142-page brainstorm facilitation workbook
One of our online creative thinking tools
Our response to brainstorm session naysayers
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