THIS JUST IN: The Year of Living Creatively Testimonials
If you are in the process birthing (or wanting to birth) an inspired idea, dream, vision, goal, or creative venture, I invite you to consider enrolling in my upcoming YEAR OF LIVING CREATIVELY course -- a two-month, online learning adventure (starting on April 17th, 2022) designed to provide aspiring innovators with all the insight, mojo, and mastery they need to manifest their heart's desire.
It's fun. It's engaging. And it works. Tuition is $479. Payment plans are available.
Here's what recent graduates have to say about it:
"The course had a profound affect on my life." - Michelle Cameron
"I got my mojo back and made huge amounts of progress." - Maribeth Raullerson
"It set me on a very positive course of making miracles happen." - Joan Apter
"I not only enjoyed the course, I made major headway" - Tucker Robbins
"Every time I attend a session, I walk away full of renewed courage, energy, and trust." - Tina Lindgreen
"A catalyst that provided the guidance, support, and structure I needed to transform my dream of starting a business into reality." - Doug Stuke
"This course has been like the opening of the clouds after a storm and the joy of letting the warm sun shine into my skin." - Mercedes Garcia
"Helped me clarify my vision of what I want to accomplish and create a road map to get it accomplished." - Mark Stephen Miller
"There is a lot of humor involved in the course. And one of the things I want in life right now is to laugh a lot." - Barbara Drausal
"Provided me with the emotional support I needed to free my inner artist." - Tina Lipson
"I was humbled by experiencing my own humanity." - Gretel Rogers
"A unique program that helps unleash human potential in a full-fledged way. - Nim Lal Bhandari
"A safe and fun meeting environment where there are no wrong answers, but perhaps better questions to ask ourselves." - Linda Hurst
"Helped me choose a project that really sparked my passion and go after it in a big and bold way." - Janet Cook
"A truly amazing learning experience." - Gilman Hanson
"The Year of Living Creatively helped me take my project three steps up, making it feel beyond a dream to a reality." - MaryJane Fahey
"I'm so delighted in my enlightened-up experience as a result of The Year of Living Creatively course, that I've just re-registered for the next one." - Ellen Goldberg
More about the course
Who is the course really for?
What is the real value of The Year of Living Creatively?
The Manifesto
More about the creator of the Year of Living Creatively
The underground we cover
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