One Voice for LaosOne Voice for Laos
Deak Kum Pa Orphanage
September 22, 2011
Loop For Laos: 5K Fundraiser in Woodstock, NY


On October 15, the culmination of several months of preparation will take place in the form of a 5 kilometer run through Woodstock, New York . The run or walk will be held to benefit the Laotian Deak Kum Pa Orphanage and the 600 children living there in formidable conditions.

This event was organized by teenagers in the group "One Voice for Laos", who hope to eventually travel to the country. Although most group members would love a chance to see the Deak Kum Pa orphanage with their own eyes and make a personal connection with the orphans, the teenagers understand that the best thing they can do for the orphanage right now is raise money.

Rachel Castellano and Caleb Rudge, both seniors at Onteora High School, developed the idea of having a charity run in the generous town of Woodstock to raise both money and awareness for their vital cause. Every dollar generated by this event, titled the "Loop for Laos", will go straight to the orphanage in Luang Prabang province.

With the help of Evelyne Pouget, the group’s adult mentor, they have nearly accomplished their task. Rachel and Caleb hope to raise a substantial amount of money through sponsorships from town businesses, generous citizens, and the entrance fee of $10.00.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate in the great event and support their cause. The first fifty people to sign up will receive a free t-shirt upon registering! Anybody who is interested in signing up, sponsoring the event, or finding out more should please E-mail Caleb Rudge at

Posted by Sophia Miller at September 22, 2011 07:45 PM

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One Voice Global is a humanitarian aide organization, based in Woodstock. Our mission is to help Hudson Valley teenagers develop the kind of mindset, skills, and abilities they need to become compassionate humanitarians, social activists and global citizens. We accomplish our goal by improving the lives of orphans and other children in need through fundraising projects, cultural exchange, and onsite service visits to the organizations we serve.

Our Mission
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