Flea Market Donations
Everyone come to the flea market at Woodstock Day School next Saturday! If you have donations (clothes, books, toys, games, jewelry, small objects etc.) bring them to Mimi Ditkoff at at Onteora or bring them to Elliana Gran at the Woodstock Day School!
Posted by Sophia Miller at 11:00 AM | Comments (0)
January 18, 2012Flea Market
Poster Designer: Elliana Gran
Posted by Sophia Miller at 12:51 PM | Comments (0)
Laos ProjectMy name is Sage Horsey and I am one of the many local teens working to make the Deak Kum Pa orphanage in Laos, Southeast Asia a better place.
Sometime last spring, I heard about the six hundred orphans living there that are severely in need of resources, equipment, and additional staffing, I didn't hesitate to join the small group of people that wanted to help which has extensively grown into what is now known as the One Voice For Laos/Teens For Change organization.
Our fundraisers contribute money both directly to the orphanage as well as to the plane tickets of those of us who are going to Laos this coming summer.
Being able to go to the village where the orphanage resides and make a substantial difference with my own two hands is the kind of work I've always yearned to be a part of. I consider myself extremely lucky that the opportunity practically fell into my lap the last year I have to do something incredible with my local community. As most of us are college-bound seniors, the feeling is mutual.
We've already had several fundraisers since the birth of OVFL, including two dance parties, a 5k run, and a flea market which currently brings us to five thousand dollars raised for the orphans. Our most recent event was a multimedia performance at the Kleinart Gallery in Woodstock.
The stunning talent included the Woodstock Elementary Chorus, Energy Dance Company, local youth singers and dancers from NYCA, independent local dancers, poets, and musicians, and the Saugerties Ballet Center. I have to be honest, this is the fundraiser that I was most excited about because of the level of my involvement.
I had two self-choreographed pieces in the show that I performed as well as a collaborative duet with another OVFL member, Rachel Schackne. I was even lucky enough to have the privilege to be a part of putting together the production as a whole from costumes and choreography, to which stories of the orphans are to be conveyed. I must also say that with the passion comes excellence, beauty, and detail in each piece that will made up the performance.
I feel that this production and the process behind it is something our community has possibly never seen; the youth coming together in such an organized, creative, and selfless way that is for a cause that goes beyond the borders of our immediate lives.
The One Voice For Laos/Teens For Change organization aims only to improve the lives of the Laotian orphans that are otherwise out of our reach. Yet, I am starting to see that the group is having a simultaneous effect on those who are involved and those who have been witness to what we are doing; a unified need to help people who are less fortunate than ourselves.
I've seen this need emerge in our community in a way it never has before and I am one of the many who will see to it that it does not disappear.
Posted by Sophia Miller at 12:38 PM | Comments (0)
January 16, 2012Cool Doings in Woodstock: 1/20/12
Poster design: Jesse Ditkoff
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 09:24 PM | Comments (0)
January 15, 2012Teens for Change Cabaret: 1/20/12
ED NOTE: This beautiful letter by Rachel Castellano, was just published in the Woodstock Times.
"I hope you've been following the amazing events the group One Voice for Laos/Teens for Change has been organizing.
We're a group of committed teens, working to fund raise for a united cause: an orphanage in Laos that's in desperate need of help. So far, we've raised over $7,000 from events and donations.
Our next event has been organized by Katie Martucci. She has created an evening with performers who include professional musicians such as Vinnie Martucci and Robert Burke Warren, along with some of Onteora's finest musicians.
The Shandettes, which includes Katie Martucci, Seraphina Mallon-Breiman, Edith Lerner, and the Onteora Sounds of Jazz, will be performing.
The musical night is tailored for all ages. It will be held on Friday, January 20th, at the Colony Cafe, in Woodstock, from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Admission is $10 per person.
All proceeds go directly to the orphanage.
Come out and support, while enjoying an entertaining evening. As Jimi Hendrix once said, "If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music."
- Rachel Castellano
Onteora High School Student,
Boiceville, NY
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at 10:52 AM | Comments (0)