Teens for Change Cabaret: 1/20/12
ED NOTE: This beautiful letter by Rachel Castellano, was just published in the Woodstock Times.
"I hope you've been following the amazing events the group One Voice for Laos/Teens for Change has been organizing.
We're a group of committed teens, working to fund raise for a united cause: an orphanage in Laos that's in desperate need of help. So far, we've raised over $7,000 from events and donations.
Our next event has been organized by Katie Martucci. She has created an evening with performers who include professional musicians such as Vinnie Martucci and Robert Burke Warren, along with some of Onteora's finest musicians.
The Shandettes, which includes Katie Martucci, Seraphina Mallon-Breiman, Edith Lerner, and the Onteora Sounds of Jazz, will be performing.
The musical night is tailored for all ages. It will be held on Friday, January 20th, at the Colony Cafe, in Woodstock, from 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Admission is $10 per person.
All proceeds go directly to the orphanage.
Come out and support, while enjoying an entertaining evening. As Jimi Hendrix once said, "If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music."
- Rachel Castellano
Onteora High School Student,
Boiceville, NY
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at January 15, 2012 10:52 AM
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