Loop for Laos a Huge Success!
Loop for Laos, a 5K fund raising event held in Woodstock, NY on October 15th, was a huge success thanks to the efforts of more than 20 local teens. Over $1,000 was raised (plus a whole lot of awareness about the orphans of Luang Prabang).
TEEN POWER: The One Voice team at the registration table before the race began.
People signing in. There was a great turn out.
And they're off! The race begins. (Notice the cool T-shirts).
The planning meeting at Evelyne's house one week before
The finish line.
Hey! Did that dog pay the registration fee?
Coordinated by Caleb Rudge and Isabelle La Motte (with amazing T-shirt design by Jesse Ditkoff), Loop for Laos was yet another successful event coordinated by Hudson Valley teens in support of 600 Laotian orphans living on 15 cents a day.
These "next generation humanitarians", as One Voice for Laos founder Evelyne Pouget likes to call them, did a fantastic job on every level. They did the research, coordinated with Woodstock officials, promoted the event, enrolled local sponsors, designed the T-shirts, blogged about it, and ran.
Plus everyone had a great time in the process. Thank you, guys! You are totally awesome.
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at October 18, 2011 11:15 PM
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