Silent Art Auction on April 7th
Fundraising efforts for the inspired One Voice for Laos project -- to help improve the quality of life for 600 orphans -- continues!
On Saturday, April 7th, Woodstock artist, Petra Nimtz, will be hosting a silent art auction at her studio (19 Wilbur Lane).
Approximately 25 local artists are donating (all or some of) the proceeds from the sale of their paintings.
Please invite your friends, parents, neighbors, teachers, and anyone else you know who may want to attend. For more information, call Petra -- 845.684.5004
Kate McGloughlin
Basha Ruth Nelson
Elisa Pritzker
Elliot Landy
Julia Santos Solomon
Charlotte Tusch Scherer
Cate Woodruff
Sue Cardona
Susanna Brackmann
Evelyne Pouget
Petra Nimtz
Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at March 29, 2012 10:41 AM
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