One Voice for LaosOne Voice for Laos
Deak Kum Pa Orphanage
September 19, 2012
The New One Voice for Laos Documentary!

Here is the new One Voice for Laos documentary, created by 16-year old, local film maker, Garland Berenzy. It's a great overview of everyone's efforts during the past 18 months, including new footage of the journey to the orphanage. Please share it with your friends and anyone else you think might be interested in the project.

And remember, the Loop for Laos run is coming up on September 30th. Read more about it here.

Posted by Mitch Ditkoff at September 19, 2012 06:45 PM

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One Voice Global is a humanitarian aide organization, based in Woodstock. Our mission is to help Hudson Valley teenagers develop the kind of mindset, skills, and abilities they need to become compassionate humanitarians, social activists and global citizens. We accomplish our goal by improving the lives of orphans and other children in need through fundraising projects, cultural exchange, and onsite service visits to the organizations we serve.

Our Mission
Intro Slide Show
The Documentary