Loving Laos
The One Voice for Laos community is filled with wonderful and altruistic people. The refreshing environment surrounding this project motivated me to become involved. This project has allowed me to have fun at the events it has put on while at the same time it has made me realize that I should be doing everything I can to help people in need. I decided to become a part of the One Voice community because I've realized that it's important to look out for other people not only in your community, State, or Country, but in the world. We're all on this planet together and if we have the resources to help people like the Orphans in Laos, then we should by all means use them.
This past year has been very successful for this project. Four caring teens took a a journey to Laos this past summer that not only changed the Orphans' lives, but changed theirs. I hope that this year will be just as successful and I can assure you that we are already on a path to greatness.
I believe that anyone who can be involved in this project should take the time to learn more about it and donate any time, resources, or talent they can. Some of the best feelings in life come from taking a step back and realizing that you can make a difference in the world.
Posted by Cassandra Hastie at October 24, 2012 06:35 PM
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