One Voice for LaosOne Voice for Laos
Deak Kum Pa Orphanage
January 27, 2013
Seraphina Mallon-Breiman's Touching Biography


My name is Seraphina Mallon-Breiman and I am nineteen years old. I have been working with the One Voice for Laos organization and community for a few years now. I've helped to put on fundraisers, write blogs and newspaper articles, perform and overall publicize this amazing project. As one of the first teenagers actively involved in the origination of One Voice for Laos, I am now experiencing my first year in college and am helping peripherally with the project. Recently, I took a trip home from school to help perform at the Laos Cabaret with two of my best friends in Photosensualis, a beautiful gala that Sequoia Sellinger organized. After a moving and talent-filled night, I was reminded again of how happy it makes people to join together with the common goal of helping to increase the happiness of the rest of our world. It is a seemingly simple observation- but as humans, we constantly forget it. I realized that my role in this project, as many of my fellow teenagers who are also helping from afar, is to encourage this world changing behavior from the next generation of people involved in One Voice for Laos. Everybody wants to make a difference in the world, whether that comes from performing at a fundraiser or buying the ticket to attend, or going to meet the orphans in Laos or simply contribute what you can to allow this for others. There are so many organizations out there to encourage this kind of action, and all of you in the Hudson Valley have this opportunity right at your fingertips by working with your friends and Evelyne! Take advantage of this guys, I promise you'll come out with a much different understanding of the world!

Posted by Cassandra Hastie at January 27, 2013 07:32 PM

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One Voice Global is a humanitarian aide organization, based in Woodstock. Our mission is to help Hudson Valley teenagers develop the kind of mindset, skills, and abilities they need to become compassionate humanitarians, social activists and global citizens. We accomplish our goal by improving the lives of orphans and other children in need through fundraising projects, cultural exchange, and onsite service visits to the organizations we serve.

Our Mission
Intro Slide Show
The Documentary