When I Grow Up
When I grow up, I want to be nobody,
do nothing, go nowhere, having already arrived a long time ago.
When I listen to my voice mail, no one will be talking,
no one asking me for anything at all,
my need to hear a voice, other than yours, completely gone,
me being done with proving or improving myself,
done with what's next and any more stories to tell,
this so-called "me", like a single drop of water,
newly dissolved into the fabulous sea of this moment,
nothing left to say,
each breath a prayer needing no answer.
Perhaps I will make a paper airplane out of my to do list,
fly it out the window and watch it flutter in the wind,
perhaps, when a nearby child picks it up,
forgetting everything and everyone else,
I will hear birds singing as if for the first time.
Posted by: Steve Ornstein at August 15, 2021 01:08 AM
I love it!
Here's a haiku I wrote today:
ground zero - our home
breath by breath and heart to heart
we meet at our Source…
Posted by: Joyce Gerber at August 15, 2021 01:46 AM
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