I am going to start the day with a poem,
this one,
well, actually, that's not completely true,
I started the day with a breath,
one I did not decide to take,
it was given to me,
giver nowhere in sight,
though some people say the giver is everywhere,
equally distributed, all over the place,
interpenetrating all beings
whether they know it or not,
which is why, I guess,
I've decided to write this poem,
the one you are now reading
when you could be doing something else,
like drinking coffee,
making a list,
or watering a geranium
just about to bloom,
you see, and you do,
the aforementioned breath,
(the first one I took this morning upon waking),
no... wait... please forgive me,
I didn't take it,
it took me,
it was given, bestowed, no strings attached,
a gift I return 22,000 times a day,
and when I say return I don't mean reject,
I mean give back,
like you would a smile
or a kiss,
the soul's way of giving thanks without thinking.
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