FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH, HERE IS A METAPHOR for how I am experiencing life these days:
I'm sitting at a poker table with some high rollers. They are all very skillful players and have a lot of chips. I bet. They raise me. I bet again, wondering if my hand is good enough or if it's time to bluff or drop out. I am watching their eyes, looking for "tells". They are watching my eyes looking for tells.
One of the players at the table is MASTERFUL at the game. His demeanor never changes whether he wins or loses, though he always seems to have the biggest stack of chips. I can't tell if I am "over my head" or not. Nor can I tell if it matters whether or not I win or lose.
Somehow, I keep getting the feeling that it's all about how I play the game and if I'm enjoying the experience.
And no matter how much I bet, I've got to be "all in" all the time.
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