Reading Kabir in Bed on a Saturday Morning
Don't do anything
and don't do nothing either
which includes, of course, you, in this moment,
thinking that "don't do nothing"
isn't exactly the King's English
and I should rewrite the second line of this poem.
See how fast the mind moves
even when you were invited just six lines ago
not to do anything?
Zero is hard for most of us.
We assume it's an absence,
as if something important was missing.
It's not.
Nothing is missing,
nothing at all,
everything you need, you already have.
What is all this rushing about,
this urge to accomplish, this need to prove?
God is not your mother
waiting for you to come home from school
so she can put your cute little drawings on the refrigerator.
She has other things in store for you.
Today, even if it's not yet Sunday, rest!
Go slower than you usually do,
watch a cloud,
listen to the sound inside of you,
pull the fishing line you have cast into the world
back into your self.
Is there anything on the hook?
There is no correct answer to this question, by the way.
Hook, no hook, it doesn't matter in the least,
not when the ocean that contains all those fish
isn't really doing anything at all.
Its waves, the ones you like to surf on or write poems about,
are made by the pull of the moon!
Let that same moon pull you.
Be a wave of that celestial orb.
Be moved in ways that don't require thinking.
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